UR SAMLINGEN: RICHARD AVEDON THE FAMILY GALLERIGÅNGEN - HASSELBLAD CENTER 26/2–27/3 Under USA:s presidentvalskampanj 1976 fotograferade Richard Avedon landets politiska, ekonomiska och intellektuella elit. Trots de porträtterades vitt skilda politiska åsikter anspelar titeln på en homogen social grupp vars gemensamma mål är att behålla makten. De 69 bilderna publicerades samma år i tidningen Rolling Stone. ”These photographs of the power structure of America – heads of unions, people in government, bankers, heads of media – are a composite portrait of the power elite, but I didn’t feel anything about most of these people. I didn’t want to pit Democrats against Republicans, or good versus bad. It’s too easy for a photographer to do that. In a way these pictures were almost taken by the people in the pictures. I didn’t tell them what to wear. I didn’t tell them how to pose. However they presented themselves, I recorded with very little manipulation. /…/ This silent theater attempts to achieve an illusion: that everything embodied in the photograph simply happened, that the person in the portrait was always there, was never told to stand there and in the end was not in the presence of a photographer. A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.” -Richard Avedon Ur samlingen är en serie utställningar med verk ur Hasselbladstiftelsen fotografiska samling. Där ingår den kompletta serien ”The Family” av 1991-års Hasselbladspristagare Richard Avedon (1923-2004). Serien är en donation av fotografen. För mer information vänligen kontakta Jenny Blixt, [email protected] Tel: 031-7782154 Ekman sgatan 8 , S- 412 56 GÖ TEB O R G, Swed en , O r g.r eg.n o . 8 57203- 7219 Tel. In t + 46 (0)31 - 778 2154, F ax . In t + 46 (0)31- 20 34 8 0 E- Po st/E- mail. in fo @h asselb lad fo u n d atio n .o r g