Agenda, October 7th, 2010 Molecular Biomedicine course (FB52

Agenda, October 7th, 2010
Molecular Biomedicine course (FB52)
8.15 - 8.30
Introduction SciLifeLab
Analysis of single cells – tumors and stem cells
Joakim Lundeberg/Julia Sandberg
8.30 - 8.45
Approaching human genomes
Pelin Akan
8.45 - 9.00
Next next generation of sequencing technology
Sverker Lundin/Henrik Stranneheim
9.15 - 9.30
New markers for toxicity and chemoresistance in cancer
Johanna Hasmats
9.30 - 9.45
Developing new technology for rapid DNA diagnostics
Patrik Ståhl
9.45 -10.00 Analysis of bacterial communities in humans by metagenomics tools
Anders Andersson