ORIGINAL ARTICLE Moisture transport properties of concrete with SCMs – descriptions, test methods and some applications Lars-Olof Nilsson1 Correspondence Abstract Prof. em. Lars-Olof Nilsson Lund University, P O Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund and Moistenginst AB Fru Alstad Byav. 396-0 SE-231 96 Trelleborg Email: Moisture transport properties of concrete are rarely determined, simply because it is difficult and time-consuming. Most studies in literature are limited to cement paste and mortar. Translation of these properties to concrete are not straight-forward. Recently, however, a few measurements are done, also on concretes with supplementary cementitious materials. An overview is given on various ways of theoretically describing the moisture transport properties of concrete, with different “moisture transport coefficients” and their interrelations. Methods of determining those properties are shown and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. Available data in literature are summarized and compared. A recently developed test method, the tin-can method, is described. New results are shown for concretes with SCMs. The method’s possibilities to be used for short-term tests of aging concrete are discussed. A few important applications where the moisture transport properties are decisive are presented: applying moisture-sensitive flooring materials on concrete floor slabs and carbonation-initiated reinforcement corrosion under varying climatic conditions. [email protected] [email protected] 1 Laboratory of Building Materials, Lund University, Lund, Sweden and Moistenginst AB, Trelleborg, Sweden Keywords Moisture transport, concrete, SCM, test methods, flooring, carbonation 1 Introduction Moisture transport properties of concrete are important for being able to predict the moisture conditions in concrete in many applications and the moisture transport properties are frequently decisive for the moisture levels to be expected. Direct measurements of moisture transport properties of concrete are rare, especially for concretes with SCM. We have no real consensus on how to describe the moisture transport properties and we have no generally accepted method to measure them. More than 50 years ago, an empirical model for the diffusivity of concrete was presented [1][2], see Figure 1. This diffusivity was adopted by the fib Model Code and still is the preferred description of the moisture transport properties of concrete [3]. The same diffusivity was used in 2018 [4] partly verified by >40 year old drying profiles [5] without considering the simultaneous chemical binding of water in hardening concrete. Many other researchers, e.g. [5][6][7][8], have later shown very different moisture dependencies of the moisture diffusivity. Consequently, there is an urgent need to clarify how these properties should be determined and expressed. A recently started RILEM Technical committee TC-MMS [9] may develop methods and means to reach a better consensus. Figure 1 Proposed moisture dependency 1971 of the moisture diffusivity Dw for concrete [1] with three parameters. Here a brief over-view of the significance of moisture for the performance of concrete is given. Then a few relevant test methods are described and discussed. Theoretical ways of describing the test results as “moisture transport coefficients” are presented and the relationships between different coefficients are given. Finally, measured transport properties for concrete without and with SCMs are presented, compared and discussed. Prediction of these moisture variations are complicated. The thickness of the carbonated part that has different moisture transport properties will increase with time. This must be considered in the moisture calculation, see e.g., the CEB micro model [10]. 2 Predicting the moisture conditions close to the reinforcement, that is decisive for the corrosion rate, are to some extent easier. These conditions are relevant first when carbonation has reached the reinforcement, i.e., the whole cover has the same moisture transport properties. The properties beyond the reinforcement maybe somewhat different but will have a minor effect on the conditions at the steel surface. The significance of moisture Moisture is important, and frequently decisive, for the performance of concrete in several applications. Examples are: - Diffusion of gases, like CO2 in carbonation and oxygen to the cathode in a corrosion process; water-filled parts of the pore system will block transport of gases. - Diffusion of ions is limited if the pore system is not fully saturated; the question is what part of the pore water that can act as a solvent for the ions. - Convection of ions, like chloride moving in and out through a concrete cover at drying and wetting and following moisture flow in tunnel walls exposed to sea water. - Chemical reactions will not necessarily be complete if concrete is too dry, e.g. the carbonation reaction will leave some unreacted CaO at a humidity below some 80 % RH. - The corrosion process requires electrical conduction between the anode and cathode; this is certainly moisture dependent. 2.1 Data on the moisture transport properties of carbonated concrete is essentially lacking. Consequently, the moisture variations shown in figure 2 are presently not predictable. 2.2 Example 2: Redistribution of excess moisture beneath a flooring on a concrete floor slab An important application for moisture transport calculations is the treatment of excess moisture after drying of a concrete floor slab before applying a moisture sensitive flooring material like a vinyl flooring [11]. The extent of drying is quantified by an RH-measurement at a certain depth x1, cf. figure 3, with an expected RH-profile as the black dashed curve. Example 1: Carbonation of the concrete cover of the reinforcement in façades. The moisture conditions beneath a concrete surface will vary with time and depth depending on the surrounding climatic conditions and the moisture transport properties of the concrete, cf. figure 2. Figure 3 Redistribution of excess moisture in a concrete floor slab beneath a vinyl flooring [11]. After applying the flooring material, that has a significant resistance Z to moisture transport, the excess moisture will redistribute. Figure 2 Moisture variations in the concrete cover of the reinforcement. Parts of the year the concrete surface is wet, and CO2diffusion is partly blocked. During the drier parts of the year the pore system is partly emptied, and CO2-diffusion is more rapid. These conditions are different from time to time and different at different depths. The parts that are mostly relevant for the progress of carbonation are the already carbonated parts. These parts have different moisture transport properties than the still uncarbonated parts at larger depth. The maximum RH underneath the flooring after redistribution will mainly depend on the relationship between the moisture transport properties of the concrete and the resistance to moisture flow of the flooring material. 3 Test methods for moisture transport properties To be able to quantify moisture transport properties we have to be able to measure them, i.e. we need a test method for this quantification. Different test methods will give those properties in different ways. Here, available methods are briefly described, and the test results are used to theoretically describe moisture transport properties. The relationship between different ways of describing moisture transport coefficients are pointed out. The main principles of quantifying moisture transport properties are two: A. Measuring the steady-state flux of moisture and determining a moisture gradient. B. Measuring the non-steady-state weight changes and curve-fit it to a theoretical model for moisture changes. A few other principles are available, for instance where the moisture profile is measured at two occasions. From the profiles the moisture flux and the moisture gradient at different depths are evaluated. Then the moisture transport coefficients at different depths, i.e. at different moisture levels, can be determined. This method gives, however, a large scatter for concrete because of the aggregate making it difficult to measure moisture content profiles accurately. 3.1 Measuring the steady-state flux of moisture and determining a moisture gradient 3.1.1 The cup method The most simple and straight-forward method to determine moisture transport properties of materials is the so called “cup method”, which is standardized as ISO 12572:2016 [12]. A slice of the material is put as a lid at a “cup”, that can be of glass, aluminum etc., and the edges are sealed to ensure one-dimensional moisture flow, see figure 4. conditions and the steady-state flux J [kg/(m2s)] can be calculated. From this flux, the thickness d of the slice and the two relative humidities inside and outside the cup, the test results as the steady-state flux J can be expressed in different ways. A general description would be "! 𝐽 = −𝑘! ⋅ "# = 𝑘! ⋅ !! $!" % 𝑜𝑟 𝐽 = !! $!" &# (1) where y is a moisture transport “potential”, ky is a moisture transport coefficient and Zy is a resistance to moisture flow for this potential. Different potentials are chosen by different researchers, testing institutes and even countries, such as vapour pressure p, vapour content v, moisture content w, relative humidity j, and the coefficients vary of course with the selected potential. One elegant description is the use of the “fundamental potential” Y, where the transport coefficient becomes zero Ψ(𝑅𝐻$ , 𝑅𝐻% ) = 𝐽(𝑅𝐻$ , 𝑅𝐻% ) ∙ 𝑑 (2) The use of the fundamental potential, the measured data (=the measured flux) is used directly without any derivation that adds a lot of scatter. By performing tests with the cup method in a series of RH intervals, the moisture dependency of the transport coefficient can be determined in the whole RH-scale. A boundary condition can even be direct contact with water, which is an “upside-down cup” to eliminate the resistance to moisture flow of the air gap between the solution inside the cup and the resistances at the surfaces. For concrete the thickness of the slice cannot be too small, because of the aggregate. A thickness of at least two-three times the maximum size of the aggregate is recommended. This means that the required testing time is long for concrete with low w/b; months or even years may be required to reach the steady-state flux. A large study [13] of the moisture transport properties of concrete with silica fume and fly ash was done with upsidedown cups with RH = 65 % outside the cups. The results were shown as a moisture transport coefficient d [m2/s] with the vapour content v as the transport potential. The results as the average d in the RH-interval 65-100 % are shown in figure 5 as a function of the large porosity, including the air content. Figure 4 The cup method and the RH profile during a test. The moisture flux is derived from a difference in RH between inside the cup, usually created by a saturated salt solution, and outside the cup, in a climate room or a climate chamber. The flux out of, or into the cup, is measured by determining the weight changes of the cup with time. Eventually, the weight changes will reach steady-state The larger pores and the air voids can be seen as “shortcuts” for moisture transport. The results can be understood as if the main resistance to moisture flow is the cement gel with transport of adsorbed water as the decisive transport process. The two concretes with a mix of silica fume and fly ash have very slow moisture transport even though the air content is around 6 %. 3.1.2 The van der Kooi method Another, rarely used, steady-state flux method to determine the moisture transport properties could be called the van der Kooi method after an excellent, early study [15] in 1971 on autoclaved aerated concrete. The principle is shown in figure 7. Figure 5 The average moisture transport coefficient d(65,100) for a series of concretes with silica fume and fly ash; data from [13]. A recent study [14] using the cup method of moisture transport properties of cementitious materials with SCM was performed on mortars in a series of RH-intervals always with 33 % RH outside the cups. First, the fundamental potential Y(33%, RH) was evaluated and data points with their scatter were fitted to a simple equation. For most of the mortars this equation was a straight line; the scatter could not motivate another relationship. Finally, the derivatives of the fundamental potential with respect to the vapor content were evaluated. This procedure gives the moisture transport coefficient d with the vapour content v as the transport potential. "' 𝐽 = −𝛿(𝑅𝐻) ⋅ "# (3) The results from [14] are shown in figure 6. Figure 7 The van der Kooi method for determining moisture transport properties, with a steady-state flux and a moisture profile. A thick specimen is exposed to wet conditions on one side and dry conditions on the other. The one-dimensional flux J through the specimen is measured. Once steady-state flux is reached, for concrete after a very long time, a moisture profile through the specimen is determined. From the gradients of this profile, at different depths and moisture levels, the moisture transport coefficient and its moisture dependency can be evaluated according to equation (1). In the original study by van der Kooi the moisture profile was measured as moisture contents on small samples of autoclaved, aerated concrete from different depths in the specimen. Consequently, van der Kooi’s moisture transport potential was the moisture content w and he determined the moisture diffusivity Dw, cf. equation (4). 𝐽 = −𝐷( (𝑤) ⋅ "( "# (4) A long-term study on concrete with the van der Kooi method was published in 1993 [16] after waiting for steady-state flux through thick concrete specimens for five years. In this case the moisture profiles were determined as RH in small holes at different depths. From the steady-state fluxes and the gradients of the RHprofiles at different depths the moisture transport coefficients d(RH) could be determined in the whole RH range, see figure 8. Figure 6 The moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficient d(RH) for a series of cement mortars with SCM; data from [14]. Note that five of the eight mortars have almost no measurable moisture dependency at all. Note also that all mortars, independent of type of SCM, have almost the same moisture transport coefficient, d = 0.05-0.07×10-6 m2/s for w/b =0.38 and d = 0.08-0.11×10-6 m2/s for w/b=0.53, at RH below 70%. conditions are created, preferably an even distribution of moisture content and RH throughout a specimen. One-dimensional conditions are ensured by sealing all surfaces but one or two. The specimen is then exposed to a known, constant, climate and the average moisture content changes are determined by measuring weight changes. Finally, the measured weight changes are curve-fitted to average moisture contents with time predicted by a theoretical model. The theory is based on solving the mass balance equation, neglecting chemical binding of water, with equation (4) as the flux equation, see equation [5]. "( ") "* = − "# 𝑜𝑟 "( ") " = "# 𝐷( "( "# (5) General analytical solutions, or numerical solutions, to equation [5] can be expressed as normalised average moisture contents Um(F0), where 𝑈! = "! ($)&"" "# &"" (6) and 𝐹' = ($ ∙$ *% (7) where wm(t) is the average moisture content at time t [kg/m3] w0 is the initial moisture content [kg/m3] w¥ is the moisture content at equilibrium [kg/m3] F0 is the Fourier number [-] Dw is the moisture diffusivity [m2/s] in equation (4) L is the “equivalent thickness” [m], half the thickness of a specimen drying two ways. The analytical solution of (5) for a drying process between Um = 1 and Um = 0 for a constant Dw is shown in figure 9 (blue curve) in a logarithmic timescale. Figure 8 Moisture transport coefficient d(RH) for OPC-concretes with w/c between 0.4 and 0.8. The figure at the bottom is a magnified portion of the bottom of the top figure. Data from [16]. There is a tremendously large moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficient for w/c = 0.6-0.8 and very small for w/c = 0.4. The transport coefficient is almost the same for all w/c up to some 70 % RH. The RH is not 100 %, even though the bottom of the specimens is standing in water, because of the alkalis in the pores. The top RH for w/c is 95-97 %. 3.2 Measuring changes 3.2.1 Inverse analysis the non-steady-state weight A common, non-steady state method to determine moisture transport properties is the so called “inverse analysis”, see e.g. [5][6][17][18], where weight changes of small specimens are followed with time. First, known initial Figure 9 Example of experimental data (thin red curve with yellow dots) fitted at Um=0.5 to the analytical solution to the mass balance equation (5) for a constant Dw (thick blue curve) [19]. In figure 9 an example [19] of curve-fitting experimental data on weight changes to the analytical solution is shown. The curve-fitting is done in one point and from this fitting a value of a constant diffusivity Dw can be derived. The fit is, however, not very good and it is obvious that this experimental data does not support a constant diffusivity. Now, new numerical solutions must be calculated by varying the moisture dependency of the diffusivity Dw(w). This is not an easy task. A better approach is to make experiments in a series of narrow RH-intervals [6] and assume that the diffusivity is constant in each interval. In such a way a series of moisture dependent average diffusivities are obtained. The method of inverse analysis has several difficulties. The main experimental problem is to obtain an even distribution of moisture content and RH throughout the specimen. It is very time-consuming to reach a steady-state weight in a certain climate by simply drying a wet specimen, or humidify a dry specimen, in a controlled climate, especially for concrete with large aggregate, i.e. with thick specimens. It is not good enough to dry a specimen to an intended weight, seal it and wait for the moisture to redistribute. In such a case the moisture content at the surfaces will follow scanning curves to an equilibrium-RH and the moisture content profile will not be even. 3.2.2 The tin-can method A method developed to handle the main problem with the inverse analysis is the “tin-can method” [20]. Here the significant self-desiccation of low-w/b concrete is utilized to achieve an even, initial distribution of moisture content, and of RH, throughout the specimen (concrete cast in a tin-can). After sealed curing for a certain period of time the lid of the can is removed and drying starts. The drying process is followed for a couple of weeks as weight changes over time. The weight changes are plotted versus square root of time, see figure 11. A second difficulty with the inverse analysis is that the actual moisture dependency of the diffusivity Dw(w) is unknown; it is to be determined. Different shapes of the moisture dependency must be tried but several different ones may very well give an acceptable curve-fit. The expected moisture dependency of the diffusivity Dw(RH) can be calculated from equations (3) and (4). If the fluxes in the two equations are equal one obtains 𝐷" (𝑅𝐻) = 𝛿+ (𝑅𝐻) ⋅ +& '$ '( (8) where vs is the vapour content of air at saturation [kg/m3] and dw/dj is the slope of the sorption isotherm w(RH) [kg/m3]. Consequently, the moisture dependency of the diffusivity Dw depends on the shape of the sorption isotherm. If the sorption isotherm would be fully linear, the diffusivity would look like the curves in figures 5 and 7, with a different scale on the vertical axis. Now, a sorption isotherm is far from linear. Where the sorption isotherm is more flat, the diffusivity would have a peak and where the sorption isotherm is steep the diffusivity would be small. An example is shown in figure 10 [19]. The diffusivity in figure 10 is obviously very different from the one in figure 1. It is, however, for a concrete with w/c=0.5; it should be very different for concrete with another w/c, because of the shape of the sorption isotherm. Figure 11 An example of weight changes versus square-root of time in the tin-can method for four fly ash concretes with w/c 0.32-0.50, during one month; data from [19] The analytical solution to the mass balance equation in the initial part of a drying process can be obtained from Crank [21] as the weight loss DM(t) versus square root of time t, see equation (9). -& ∙) ∆𝑀(𝑡) = 2(𝑤+ − 𝑤, )4 / = 𝑘 ∙ √𝑡 (9) where w0 is the initial moisture content (kg/m3) w¥ is the equilibrium moisture content (kg/m3) k is a proportionality parameter (kg/(m2Ös) The main experimental difficulty with the inverse analysis is here overcome by utilizing the moisture content after self-desiccation as the initial moisture content w0(x) at all depths. Instead of measuring the initial and equilibrium moisture contents, which is difficult, the RH0 after selfdesiccation and RH¥ of the drying climate are used. The diffusivity Dw can then be evaluated from equation (10)[20] 𝐷" = Figure 10 Calculated moisture dependency of the moisture diffusivity Dw(RH) for an OPC-concrete with w/c = 0.5 based on the moisture transport coefficient from [16], cf. figure [7], and a sorption isotherm from [5]. ,- % ./ % '$ (01# &01" )2 '( (10) where dw/dj (kg/m3) is the “moisture capacity”, the slope of the desorption isotherm, in the RH-interval (RH0, RH¥). The diffusivity Dw can easily be translated to a moisture transport coefficient d with equation (8). Carbonation will reduce weight loss due to drying to some extent. This effect was quantified [20] and found to be small. The effect should, however, be analysed in more detail. The method has been verified [20] against measurements with the cup method on the very same concretes with different binders and w/b, cf. figure 12. 4 Discussion and conclusions 4.1 Theoretical description of moisture transport From the test methods described above, a moisture transport property or a moisture transport coefficient can be quantified. From the measured steady state flux a moisture transport coefficient is easily quantified from eg. the moisture flux equation (1) or (2). The moisture transport potential in these flux equations should be a parameter that is most relevant for moisture transport. This is not an easy selection, however. For pure vapour diffusion in air-filled pores the vapour pressure p or the vapour concentration/content v would be natural transport potentials. Figure 12 Results from the tin-can method (orange) compared with results from the cup method (blue) for four mature fly ash concretes with w/b 0.32-0.50, during one month; data from [19] In figure 12 the results from the cup method are for the RH-interval (60,85). The results from the tin-can method are from an RH-interval between 50 % and the RH after self-desiccation, i.e very much higher for the concrete with w/b=0.50 (96 % RH). The concrete with w/b=0.32-0.40 were self-desiccated to 88-92 % RH. Since the moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficient for concretes with w/b smaller than 0.4 is expected to be very limited, cf. figure 6, the results from the two methods are comparable. 3.3 The effects of anomalous moisture changes A number of studies have documented anomalous moisture changes in cementitious materials, eg. [22][23] [24][25][26][27]. Changes of the moisture content do not follow common physical laws as eg. Fick’s laws. The sorption isotherm does not fully describe the relationship between the moisture content and the state of water. There seems to be a time-effect that is not yet fully understood. Sorption isotherms determined on small samples are different from sorption isotherms from long-term tests on larger samples. These effects are significant in the RHinterval 20-90 %. The anomalous moisture changes should be of great importance when using inverse analysis to determine moisture transport properties. Weight changes in small RHintervals where the whole or part of the drying process is followed should be significantly affected by anaomalous behaviour. Methods where the steady-state flux is determined or short-term non-steady state tests like the tin-can method, should be less influenced by this anomalous behaviour. The time to reach steady state flow, however, could be longer than expected due to this effect. For liquid flow in water-filled pores the pore-water pressure Pw would be the prefered transport potential. For transport of adsorbed water in the cement gel the relative humidity j, that can be regarded as a measure of the state of water, would be a reasonable transport potential. Since we cannot separate the vapour flux, the liquid flux and the flux of adsorbed water in a measurement, and we do not know how to combine them, we have to select one of the transport potentials. This is theoretically sound for isothermal conditions where all three fluxes of moisture have the same direction and the different transport potentials are possible to express in each other. For non-isothermal moisture transport with temperature gradients liquid flow, vapour flow and flow of adsorbed water may very well have different directions under certain conditions [28]. Then, a description of the moisture flux must have at least two terms with different transport potentials. The two, or more, transport coefficients will not be easy to determine in cases like that. The use of the diffusivity Dw as the moisture transport coefficient is natural when using non-steady state methods. The translation between the diffusivity and the coefficients in the flux equations includes the moisture capacity, the slope of the sorption isotherm. This parameter is directly proportional to the binder content in the concrete, mortar or paste and must be considered in all comparisons of properties. The moisture capacity is different for a desorption isotherm compared to an absorption isotherm. It is also very different for scanning curves, generally much smaller, between the desorption and the absorption isotherm. 4.2 Moisture dependency From the old data on OPC-concretes with different w/c [16] an extreme moisture dependency is evident for w/c = 0.50 and larger. Below some 70 % RH, however, the moisture transport coefficient d is the same for all concretes, with w/c=0.4 to 0.8. Similar results were obtained for OPC mortars [14] with w/c 0.38 and 0.53 as well as for a mortar with 5 % silica fume and w/b = 0.53. For mortars with larger amounts of SCM (GGBFS) the d had no moisture dependency at all. These mortars, with two w/b:s, had the same d in the whole RH range as the OPC mortars at RH < 70 % and two w/b:s. Since the sorption isotherm is almost a straight line between 50 % RH and 90 % RH for low w/b:s, the “moisture capacity”, the slope of the sorption isotherm, is almost constant in that interval. With a constant d, this means that the diffusivity Dw is also almost constant, far away from the moisture dependency shown in figure 1 and 10. 4.3 Effects of SCM Several concretes, with and without SCM, have recently been tested [29], with the cup method and the tin-can method, see the results in Table I, that includes the data in figure 12. amount of SCM, but then limited to RH below 70 % RH. Above 70 % RH there is a large moisture dependency because of capillary pores making liquid moisture transport possible for OPC-concrete and concrete with a small amount of SCM. To better understand these differences a comparison with the sorption isotherms is useful. For the moisture transport data for the cement mortars in figure 6 the desorption isotherms were determined, cf. figure 14. Table I Average moisture transport coefficients d in various RHintervals for concretes with and without SCM and air entrainment; data from [29] The data in Table I is displayed in figure 13, except the OPC concrete with significant air entrainment and w/c 0.50. It seems as if air entrainment affected the moisture transport only for the OPC concrete with a large w/c. In the other concretes the effect of large air contents was not clearly visible. This is in contradiction with the results in figure 5 but that data is for very wet conditions. Figure 14 The desorption isotherms for the cement mortars in figure 6, with different binders with and without SCM, at an age of 8 months; w/b=0.38 (top) and w/b=0.53 (bottom). Data from [14]. Figure 13 The moisture transport coefficients for the concretes in Table I, except the CEM I concrete with air entrainment and w/c = 0.50. There is no clear effect of the different SCMs in figure 13; a small effect of the w/b is visible but the scatter is large. It seems as if mature concrete, and cement mortar, with larger amounts of SCM has a moisture transport coefficient d of some 0.4-1.5·10-7 m2/s, for all RH:s, somewhat depending on the w/b. The same transport properties are also valid for OPC concrete and concrete with smaller For the mortars with w/b=0.38 only the OPC-mortar has a moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficient, cf. figure 6. All four mortars have almost the same volume of pores in the region RH=70-100%. The OPC-mortar has much less pores at RH<70. A possible explanation is that the secondary binder reaction in the mortars with SCM creates enough CSH to fill the capillary pores and thus prevent capillary transport. The CSH-gel has a “broad” poresize distribution that explains the larger pores at RH=70100%. For the mortars with w/b=0.53 the OPC-mortar has the larges amount of pores in the region RH=70-100%. These pores are, most probably, capillary pores that promote capillary suction, and a large moisture dependency. Strangely enough, the two mortars with a small amount of silica fume and larger amount of GGBFS have almost identical desorption isotherms. In spite of this, they have very different moisture transport properties, with a significant moisture dependency for the silica fume mortar. A possible explanation is that the secondary reaction products from the slag have filled most of the capillary pores in the same way as for low w/b-mortar. 4.4 Age dependency The moisture transport properties of concrete at younger ages are difficult to determine. Most methods are longterm tests, waiting for steady-state flux or equilibrium conditions. Because of that, we do not have any data on moisture transport coefficients for hardening concrete. Most data are for concrete of an age of a year or more. The new method, however, the tin-can method gives the possibilities of determing the transport properties at ages of a month or so, since the method only requires a testing time of a week or two. Measurements like that is going on. The challenge is that the desorption isotherm is required at the same age and needs a longer testing time to avoid the problems with anomalous moisture in small samples. For younger ages a certain moisture dependency of the moisture transport coefficient should be expected, also for concretes with low w/b and large amounts of SCM. References [1] Bazant, Z.P.; Najjar, L.J. (1971) Drying of concrete as a nonlinear diffusion problem. Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. I, pp. 461-473. [2] Bazant, Z.P.; Najjar, L.J. (1972) Nonlinear water diffusion in nonsaturated concrete. Matériaux et Constructions, vol.5, No 25. [3] fib (2010) fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, fib, Lausanne. [4] Bazant, .P.; Jirásek, M. (2018) Creep and Hygrothermal Effects in Concrete Structures. Solid Mechanics and Its Applications. Vol.225, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1138-6. [5] Nilsson, L.-O. (1980) Hygroscopic moisture in concrete – drying, measurements and related material properties. Report TVBM-1003, Laboratory of Building Materials, Lund University, Lund. [6] Baroghel-Bouny, V. 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