Mats Fredrikson

Mats Fredrikson, Ph.D., Dr.M.Sc.,
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Associate Professor of Psychobiology, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
Born, August 26, 1949, Östersund, Sweden
Married, l daughter Sigrid born 1981.
Swedish citizen.
Professor of Clinical Psychology (1993), Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden, Filosofie doctor (Ph.D.)
1980 (Psychology).
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Docent l983
(Psychology, psychobiology)
Uppsala University, Sweden, Doktor i medicinsk vetenskap (Dr Med. Sci.)
1987 (Clinical physiology).
Current studies focus on emotion and emotional learning
using brain imaging techniques to visualize synaptic activity and
transmittor as well as receptor characteristics underlying negative affect.
Study populations have included individuals with specific phobia,
posttraumatic stress disorder, social phobia, fibromyalgia, both before but
also after treatments with psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy. Previous
reports include numerous papers on stress, stress reactivity and multiple
aspects of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy.
Membership in
The Society for Psychophysiological Research
British Psychophysiology Society
The American Society for Psychosomatic Medicine
Society for Behavioral Medicine
Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
Society for Biological Psychiatry
Swedish Society for Behavioral Medicine
Human Brain Mapping Society
Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders.
Consulting Editor of Behavioral Medicine Abstracts.
Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Psychophysiology.
Advisory Editor of British Journal of Health Psychology.
Previously: Psychophysiology, Biological Psychology.
Around 200 published peer-reviewed papers in highly visible and well know journals
Science, Archives of General Psychiatry, NeuroReport, American Journal
of Psychiatry, Brain, Behavior and Immunity, Personality and Individual
Differences, European Journal of Pain, European Journal of Neuroscience,
Psychophysiology, NeuroImage, Health Psychology, Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Behaviour,
Research and Therapy, British Journal of Cancer, Biological Psychiatry,
Hypertension, Journal of Internal Medicine, Psychiatry Research,
Biological Psychology, Journal of Hypertension, Behavioral Medicine,
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Psychosomatic Medicine and
Journal of Neuroscience.
Grant support
Grant support comes or have come from, the Swedish Research Council,
The King Gustaf V Jubilee Fund, The Swedish Cancer Society, The Bank
of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Lilly Research, Glaxo
Pharmaceuticals, The National Board of Health and Welfare, John D. and
Catherine T. McArthur Foundation, Uppsala University, Karolinska
Institute, The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research and
the Swedish Brain Foundation.
Supervision of doctoral dissertations in psychology
Timo Hursti Dr Med Sc, 1994 Karolinska Institute
Martti Tuomisto Dr Med Sc, 1995 Karolinska Institute
Görel Kristina Näslund Dr Med Sc, 1996 Karolinska Institute
Mats Lekander Dr Med Sc, 1996 Karolinska Institute
Asgeir Helgasson Dr Med Sc, 1997 Karolinska Institute
Peter Annas Ph D, 1997 Uppsala University
Anastasia Georgiades Ph D, 1997 Uppsala University
Håkan Fischer Ph D, 1998 Uppsala University
Tomas Furmark Ph D, 2000 Uppsala University
Maria Tillfors, Ph D, 2001 Uppsala University
Örjan Frans, Ph D, 2004, Uppsala University
Anna Pissiota, Ph D, 2004 Uppsala University
Clas Linnman, Ph D, 2008, Uppsala University
Fredrik Åhs, Ph D, 2009, Uppsala University
Åsa Michelgård, Ph D, 2010, Uppsala University
Thomas Ågren, Ph D, 2012, Uppsala University
Vanda Faria, Ph D, 2012, Uppsala University
Iman Alaie, Johannes Björkstrand, Kristoffer Botelius, Andreas Frick,
Malin Gingnell, Kirsti Häkkinen.