17 Patient Study No. Chemoradiation form: Form C To be completed as indicated below during chemoradiation. Enter form data into the NeoRes database Retain the copy for patient records. Patients initials ________________ Baseline End week 4 Date assessed ECOG performance status Weight (kgs) Route(s) of nutrition Toxicity (see reverse for coding) Pharynx & oesophagus Upper Gl Lung Skin Mucous membranes Lower Gl Fever Infection Nausea & vomiting Other acute chemoradiationrelated toxicity (specify type and grade) Haematology & Biochemistry (please enter actual values), Nadir Date of test(s) neutrophils (109/L) Creatinine (mmol/L) Hb Tpk End week 7 End week 10 NOTES - FORM C Acute Radiation (and chemotherapy) Morbidity Scoring Criteria (from RTOG/Dishe scoring system) System Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Pharynx & oesophagus No change over baseline Mild dysphagia or odynophagia. May require topical anaesthetic or nonnarcotic analgesics. May require soft diet. Moderate dysphagia or odynophagia. May require narcotic analgesics. May require puree or liquid diet. Complete obstruction, ulceration, perforation, fistula. Upper Gl No change Anorexia with < 5 % weight loss from pretreatment baseline. Nausea not requiring antiemetics. Abdominal discomfort not requiring parasympatholytic drugs or analgesics. Anorexia with < 15% weight loss from pretreatment baseline. Nausea and/or vomiting requiring antiemetics. Abdominal pain requiring analgesics. Lung No change Mild symptoms of dry cough or dyspnoea on exertion. Persistent cough requiring narcotic antitussive agents. Dyspnoea with minimal effort but not at rest. Skin No change Mucous membranes No change Follicular, faint or dull erythema. Epilation. Dry desquamation. Decreased sweating. Injection. May experience mild pain not requiring analgesics. Severe dysphagia or odynophagia with dehydration or weight loss (> 15 % from pretreatment baseline) requiring N-G feeding tube I.V. fluids, or hyperalimentation. Anorexia with > 15 % weight loss from pretreatment baseline or requiring N-G tube or parenteral support. Nausea and/or vomiting requiring N-G tube or parenteral support. Abdominal pain, severe despite medication. Haematemesis or melaena. Abdominal distension (flat plate radiograph demonstrates distended bowel loops). Severe cough unresponsive to narcotic antitussive agents or dyspnoea at rest. Clinical or radiologic evidence of acute pneumonitis. Intermittent O2 or steroids may be required. Confluent, moist desquamation other than skin folds, pitting oedema. Confluent fibrinous mucositis. May include severe pain requiring narcotics. Lower Gl No change Acute or subacute obstruction, fistula or perforation. Gl bleeding requiring transfusion. Abdominal pair or tenesmus requiring tube decompression or bowel diversion. Fever Infection Nausea & vomiting None None None Diarrhoea requiring parenteral support. Severe mucous or bloody discharge necessitating sanitary pads. Abdominal distension (flat plate radiograph demonstrates distended bowel loops). > 40.0oC Bacteraemia. Intractable vomiting, > 6 per day despite medication. Tender or bright erythema. Patchy moist desquamation. Moderate oedema. Patchy mucositis which may produce an inflammatory serosanguinous discharge. May experience moderate pain requiring analgesics. Increased frequency of Diarrhoea requiring defecation or change in parasympatholytic drugs. quality of bowel habits Mucous discharge not not requiring medication. necessitating sanitary Rectal discomfort not pads. Rectal or requiring analgesics. abdominal pain requiring analgesics. > 37.5 - 38.0oC No active therapy Nausea, no vomiting. > 38.0oC Requires active therapy. Controllable, < 6 times per day. Ileus, subacute or acute obstruction, perforation. Gl bleeding requiring transfusion. Abdominal pain requiring tube decompression or bowel diversion. Severe respiratory insufficiency. Continuous oxygen or assisted ventilation. Ulceration, haemorrhage, necrosis. Ulceration, haemorrhage, or necrosis. Fever with hypotension. Life threatening. Severe and continuous vomiting. Requires hospitalisation. 18 Patient Study No. Summary of treatment form: Form D To be completed after all planned chemoradiation has been given. Enter form data into the NeoRes database Retain the copy for patient records. Patients initials ________________ RADIOTHERAPY SUMMARY Yes No 1 Radiotherapy given? (Y/N). If Yes, please complete Chemoradiation Form C also Yes No 2 Radiotherapy given according to protocol? (Y/N) If No, please specify reason and deviation ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ yy mm yy mm 3 Date radiotherapy started 4 Date radiotherapy completed 5 Total tumour dose (Gy) 6 Number of fractions 7 Number of fields dd dd CHEMOTHERAPY SUMMARY Yes No 8 Chemotherapy given? (Y/N) If Yes, please complete Chemoradiation form C also Yes No 9 Chemotherapy given according to protocol? (Y/N) If No, pleasy specify reason and deviation ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ . 10 11 12 BSA used for dose calculation Total dose cisplatin received (mg) Total dose 5-FU received (mg) Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Preoperative histopathology report Patient Study No. Pat. initials………….. Squamous cell carcinoma a) High grade = 1 b) Intermediate grade = 2 c) Low grade = 3 Adenocarcinoma: a) High grade = 1 b) Intermediate grade = 2 c) Low grade = 3 Other type (specify) ………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 NEORES – PREOPERATIVA DATA Personnr ifylles innan op Namn Läkare Klinik, sjukhus Registreringsdatum År Mån Ankomstdatum för remiss till behandlande enhet År Dag Mån Enter form data into the NeoRes database. Retain the copy for patient records. Dag PREOPERATIVA DATA Diagnosdatum/ Datum för biopsi År Mån PAD-nr från biopsi ___________________________ Patologlab _________________________________ Dag Histologisk typ av tumör från biopsi _______________________________________________________ Diagnoskoder (ICD 10) v g se hjälpbild på baksidan för klassificering Esofagus Cardia Ventrikel C15.0 Cervikala esofagus Typ I C16.0.A C16.1 Fundus (övre delen) C16.5 Curvatura minor UNS C15.3 Övre tredjedelen av esofagus Typ II C 16.0.B C16.2 Corpus (mellersta delen) C16.6 Curvatura major UNS C15.4 Mellersta tredjedelen av esofagus Typ III C 16.0.C C16.3 Antrum (nedre delen) C16.8 Multifokal lok C15.5 Nedre tredjedelen av esofagus Ej bestämbar C 16.0.X C16.4 Pylorus (nedre magmunnen) C16.9 Magsäck UNS C15.8 Multifokal lokalisation C15.9 Matstrupen UNS Preoperativ utredning av patienten Preop TNM stadium baserat på Preoperativt T-stadium (tumörstadium) Tis – Carcinoma in situ T1 – Tumörinvasion till lamina propria eller submucosa T2 – Tumörinvasion till muscularis propria T3 – Tumörinvasion till serosa/adventitia T4 – Överväxt på kringliggande organ TX – Ej bedömt Esofagogastroskopi Kontraströntgen esofagus/ventrikel CT MR PET CT PET Endoskopiskt ultraljud Ultraljud Bronkoskopi Diagnostisk laparo-/thorakoskopi Spirometri Arbetsprov Annat, specificera ___________________ Kommentar: Preoperativt N och M - stadium (lymfkörtelstadium) Preoperativt tumörpositiva lymfkörtelstationer Hals och Thorax Ej bedömda Inga [1] Cervikala (Scalenus, v jugularis int, övre och nedre cervikala, periesofageala, supraclavikulära) [2] Paratrakeala [3] Subcarinala [4] Höger huvudbronk [5] Vänster huvudbronk [6] Paraesofageala – mellersta thorakala mediastinum [7] Paraesofageala – nedre thorakala mediastinum Preoperativt tumörpositiva lymfkörtelstationer Buk Ej bedömda [8] A hepatica Inga [9] Truncus coeliacus [1] Cardia höger [10] Mjälthilus [2] Cardia vänster [11] A lienalis [3] Curvatura minor [12] Hepatoduodenala lig [4] Curvatura major [13] Posteriora pancreashuvudet [5] Suprapylorala [14] Mesenterialkärlsroten [6] Infrapylorala [15] Mesocolon transversum [7] A gastrica sin [16] Paraaortala Fjärrmetastasering: Lungmetastasering Levermetastasering Pleuracarcinomatos Preoperativ radioterapi Nej Ja Bukcarcinos Annat: Preoperativ kemoterapi Preoperativt TNM stadium ____________________________________ (se baksida) Nej Ja NEORES – OPERATIONSDATA ifylles samma dag pat opererats Läkare Registreringsdatum År Mån Dag Patient Study No. OPERATIONSDATA År Mån Dag Op datum Op koder: ____________________________________________________________________ Sammanfattande namn på ingreppet ____________________________________________________________________________________ Op start ___________________ Op slut __________________________ (datum, kl) Preoperativ vikt ________ kg Längd ____________ cm Resektion av tumören Elektiv op Akut op Op blödning ____________ ml (datum, kl) Nej (enbart Alt 1 nedan fylls i) ASA klass __________________ Ja (enbart Alt 2 nedan fylls i) Alt 1. Resektion=Nej Palliativ(a) åtgärd(er) en eller flera Ingen åtgärd (utöver morfin etc) Explorativ laparotomi Gastroenteroanastomos Gastrostomi vid laparotomi Nutritiv jejunostomi Explorativ thorakotomi Subcutan venport (PAC) Perkutan endoskopisk gastrostomi (PEG) Laserbehandling/Argonplasmabehandling Stent Annan endoskopisk palliativ terapi Palliativ radioterapi Palliativ kemoterapi Endoluminal strålterapi (brachyterapi) Annat, specificera ______________________________________ Om ingen tumörresektion utförts är blanketten färdigifylld och kan sändas in. Alt 2 nedan behöver ej fyllas i. Alt 2. Resektion=Ja Kurativt syftande dissektion med makroskopiskt avlägsnad tumör Operationsbeskrivning thorax Ingen thoraxdissektion Högersidig thorakotomi (anterior, anterolateral, posterolateral, posterior) Vänstersidig thorakotomi (anterior, anterolateral, posterolateral, posterior) Kombinerat sammanhängande thorakoabdominellt snitt Transhiatal op utan thorakotomi Substernal op utan thorakotomi Thorakoskopisk Annan, specificera Esofagusresektion Ingen Intraabdominella Distala intrathorakala 1/3 upp till nivå med nedre lungvenen Distala intrathorakala 2/3 upp till nivå med tracheabifurkationen/v azygos Hela intrathorakala Utrymda lymfkörtelstationer hals och thorax Ingen lymfkörtelutrymning [1] Cervikala (Scalenus, v jugularis int, övre och nedre cervikala, periesofageala, supraclavikulära) [2] Paratrakeala [3] Subcarinala [4] Höger huvudbronk [5] Vänster huvudbronk [6] Paraesofageala – mellersta thorakala mediastinum [7] Paraesofageala – nedre thorakala mediastinum Nej Ja Operationsbeskrivning hals Ingen halsincision Halsincision hö Halsincision vä Annat specificera Cervikala Cervikala + intrathorakala Lokal excision av esofagus Endoskopisk esofagusresektion forts. Alt 2. Resektion=Ja Ventrikelresektion Ingen Distala Distala samt mellersta Hela Proximala Proximala och mellersta Minorsidan Endoskopisk ventrikelexcision Lokal excision av ventrikel Utrymda lymfkörtelstationer buk Ingen lymfkörtelutrymn [9] Truncus coeliacus [1] Cardia höger [10] Mjälthilus [2] Cardia vänster [11] A lienalis [3] Curvatura minor [12] Hepatoduodenala lig [4] Curvatura major [13] Posteriora pancreashuvudet [5] Suprapylorala [14] Mesenterialkärlsroten [6] Infrapylorala [15] Mesocolon transversum [7] A gastrica sin [16] Paraaortala [8] A hepatica Ytterligare resektion Ingen Mjältexstirpation Pancreasresektion Colonresektion Leverresektion Diafragmaresektion Resektion av ductus thoracicus Resektion av vena azygos Lungresektion Perikardresektion Larynxresektion Övrig resektion ________________________________ Rekonstruktion Ingen (inkl blind slutning, framläggning av faryngostomi el annan stomi till hud då den gastrointestinala kontinuiteten ej återställs) Distal ventrikelresektion med gastroduodenostomi (BI) Ventrikelresektion med gastrojejunostomi och enteroanastomos (BII) Ventrikelresektion med gastrojejunostomi utan enteroanastomos (BII) Roux-en-Y esofagojejunostomi Roux-en-Y esofagojejunostomi med reservoar Tunntarmsinterposition (från esofagus till ventrikel eller duodenum) Interponerad tunntarmsreservoar (esofagus till duodenum) Interponerad colonreservoar (esofagus till duodenum) Ventrikeltub till esofagus Ventrikel till esofagus Coloninterposition (esofagus till ventrikel eller duodenum) Kommentarer: ____________________________________ Bursektomi Suturteknik anastomos (vid flera anastomoser anges den mest proximala) Handsydd Suturmaskin Nej Ja Omentektomi Nej Anastomosnivå Buk Hiatus Nedre lungvenen Ja Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 Vena azygos/tracheabifurkationen Pleuratopp Hals NEORES–VÅRDDATA/KOMPLIKATIONER ifylles i anslutning till 1 månadskontrollen postoperativt Läkare Klinik, sjukhus Patient Study No. VÅRDDATA SAMT KOMPLIKATIONER År Mån Dag Utskriven till Utskrivningsdatum efter op Fortsatt onkologisk terapi Ingen Kurativt syftande terapi Palliativ terapi Hemmet Annan kir klin, vilken __________________________________ Annan klinik inkl rehabklinik Sjukhem Övrig konvalescens Kirurgiska komplikationer inom 30 dagar efter huvudoperationen Ingen komplikation Blödning Reoperation Konservativ behandling Anastomosinsufficiens Öppen reop Konservativ behandling med antibiotika samt ev perkutant dränage Stentbehandling Nej Ja Öppen reop Konservativ behandling med antibiotika samt ev perkutant dränage Nej Ja Stentbehandling Substitutnekros Intraabdominell abscess Öppen reop Konservativ behandling med antibiotika samt ev perkutant dränage Intrathorakal abscess Öppen reop Konservativ behandling med antibiotika samt ev perkutant dränage Ductus thoracicusskada Öppen reop Konservativ behandling Nervus recurrens pares Annan svår vårdförlängande komplikation (>7 dagar förväntad normal vårdtid) Beskrivning _______________________________________________________________ Med operation Utan operation Allmänna komplikationer inom 30 dagar efter huvudoperationen Ingen komplikation Allvarlig pneumoni Sepsis Med operation Allvarlig cardiovaskulär komplikation Utan operation (ex nydebuterad rytmrubbning som krävt behandling, hjärtinfarkt, stroke) Lungemboli Annan svår vårdförlängande komplikation (>7 dagar förväntad normal vårdtid) Beskrivning _______________________________________________________________ Med operation Utan operation PAD PAD nr från op preparat ________________________________ Patologlab _____________________________________________________ Histologisk typ av tumör från op preparat _________________________________________________________________________________ Mikroskopisk radikalitet Proximalt Nej Ja Antal borttagna lymfkörtlar: ___________________ Distalt Nej Ja Antal tumörpositiva lymfkörtlar ________________ Cirkulärt Nej Ja pTNM Stadium _____________________________ Kommentarer: Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Postoperative histopathology report: Patient Study No. initials………….. Macroscopic evaluation of tumour growth: Circumferential extent Not visible = 1 < 25 % of the circumference = 2 >25 % of the circumference but < 75 % = 3 >75 – circumferential growth = 4 Longitudinal extent (cm) pT status (1-4) pN1 status (0-1) pN2 status (0-1) Proximal resection margin Free from residual tumor = 1 Distal resection margin Free from residual tumor = 1 Circumferential resection margin Free from residual tumor = 1 Squamous cell carcinoma a) High grade = 1 b) Intermediate grade = 2 c) Low grade = 3 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Adenocarcinoma: a) High grade = 1 b) Intermediate grade = 2 a) Low grade = 3 Other type (specify) ………………………………………………………………………………… Tumour stage according to histopatological findings in the operative specimen T-stage T1 T2 T3 T4 N-stage N0 N1 M-stage Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 M0 M1 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Patient Study No. ESOPHAGEAL STUDY Follow-up form: Form G To be completed three months after randomisation, and at death. Enter form data into the NeoRes database Retain the copy for patient records. Patients initials ________________ 1 yy mm 2 Date of follow-up dd Patient status 1 = alive, disease-free (complete follow-up details box only) 2 = alive, with disease (complete relapse box if first notification of relapse, and follow-up details box) 3 = dead (complete death details box and all relevant qeustions in follow-up box) 9 = unknown 12 Optional information 3 , Length (cm) , Weight (kg) Any anti-tumour treatment since last follow-up? (Y/N). If Yes: Chemotherapy (specify drugs) _________________________________________ Radiation therapy (specify site) _________________________________________ Surgery (specify type) _________________________________________ Other (specify) _________________________________________ Yes No 4 Oesophageal dilation required since last follow-up? (Y/N) 5 Gastrostomy required since last follow-up?(Y/N) Yes No NUTRITION (optional) 6 Route of nutrition (one or several of the following) Oral Enteral (type ..................................... ...........................................................) Parenteral 13 DEATH DETAILS 7 yy mm 8 Date of death dd Death related to 1 = tumour 2= tumour and treatment 3 = other cause (specify) 9 = unknown __________________________________ Please attach copy of autopsy report if available 14 EXTRA Visit (t = …. months) Patient Study No. Date (day-month-year) Body weight (kg) Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 24 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Yes =1 , No= 2 15 Abdominal CT scan: Performed Not performed No signs of metastatic disease Signs of metastatic disease Please specify: Thoracic CT scan: Performed No signs of metastatic disease Not performed Signs of metastatic disease Please specify: Endoscopic ultrasound: No signs of metastatic disease Please specify: Performed Not performed Signs of metastatic disease 16 PET-CT scan: Performed No signs of metastatic disease Not performed Signs of metastatic disease Please specify: Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 17 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Visit 1 (t = 3 months) Patient Study No. Date of visit: year………month…day………….. Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been found to have a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes Please fill out Recurrence of cancer” No 18 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes No Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 19 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Patient Study No. Visit 2 (t = 6 months) Date of visit: year………month…day………….. Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes No Please fill out ” Recurence of cancer” Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. No 20 Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 21 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Patient Study No. Visit 3 (t = 9 months) year………month…day………….. Date of visit: Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnorma Specification of abnormalities l Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes Please fill out ” Recurence of cancer” No 22 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes No Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 23 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Visit 4 (t = 12 months) Patient Study No. year………month…day………….. Date of visit: Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes Please fill out ” Recurrence of cancer” No 24 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes No Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 25 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Visit 5 (t = 18 months) Patient Study No. year………month…day………….. Date of visit: Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes No Please fill out ” Recurrence of cancer” Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. No 26 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 27 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Visit 6 (t =24 months) Patient Study No. year………month…day………….. Date of visit: Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes No Please fill out ” Recurrence of cancer” Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. No 28 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 29 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Visit 7 (t = 36 months) Patient Study No. year………month…day………….. Date of visit: Physical examination Weight ______ kg Normal Abnormal Specification of abnormalities Performance status 0-4 Heart Lungs Lymph nodes Abdomen Has the patient been diagnosed with a recurrence of esophagocardia cancer since last visit? Yes No Please fill out ” Recurrence of cancer” Has the patient had any alarm symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, accelerating abdominal pain, vomiting or any abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory assessments indicating recurrence of cancer? Yes Please specify symptoms / findings and action taken. No 30 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 Dysphagia score (0-4) (0 = no dysphagia; 1 = some dysphagia, but no dietary limitations; 2 = can drink, but only eat semisolid food; 3 = can only drink; 4 = total dysphagia) Enteral nutritional support (yes =1) Parenteral nutritional support (yes =1) Performance status EORTC QLQ,C-30: OES 18 Yes =1 , No= 2 Toxicity (see separate form) Disease free (yes=1) Recurrence (yes=1) If yes, specify: a) Mediastinal = 1 b) Anastomotic = 2 c) Extrathroacic = 3 d) Mutiple locations = 4 Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 31 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 DOSE LIMITING TOXICITY Center Pat. number Pat. initials Please complete this form and fax it to , KI , ? Fax nr (+46), within 3 days of the event. Please specify below what kind of side-effect accord. SIDE EFFECTS (according to NCI CTC criteria) 1 2 Fluid retention 0 1 2 3 Hand-foot syndrome 0 1 2 3 4 Febrile neutropenia 0 1 2 3 4 Neuropathy 0 1 2 3 4 Other (specify) 0 1 2 3 4 Other (specify) 0 Alopecia 0 1 2 3 4 Dose Nausea 0 1 2 3 Limiti Vomiting 0 1 2 3 4 ng Diarrhea 0 1 2 3 4 Toxic Stomatitis 0 1 2 3 4 ity Infection 0 1 2 3 4 (DLT ) is defined as grade 2-3 hand-foot syndrome and /or any grade 3-4 tocicity according to NCI CTC criteria occuring within the first two cycles of the study. Investigators signature Date (yy-mm-dd) Signature of person completing the form Date (yy-mm-dd) Telephone number: 0046 8 51772981 Fax number: 0046 851775444 32 Version 4 date 2008-01-30 20 Patient Study No. ESOPHAGEAL STUDY Follow-up form: Form G To be completed three months after randomisation, and at death. Enter form data into the NeoRes database Retain the copy for patient records. Patients initials ________________ 1 yy mm 2 Date of follow-up dd Patient status 1 = alive, disease-free (complete follow-up details box only) 2 = alive, with disease (complete relapse box if first notification of relapse, and follow-up details box) 3 = dead (complete death details box and all relevant qeustions in follow-up box) 9 = unknown 33 Optional information 3 , Length (cm) , Weight (kg) Any anti-tumour treatment since last follow-up? (Y/N). If Yes: Chemotherapy (specify drugs) _________________________________________ Radiation therapy (specify site) _________________________________________ Surgery (specify type) _________________________________________ Other (specify) _________________________________________ Yes No 4 Oesophageal dilation required since last follow-up? (Y/N) 5 Gastrostomy required since last follow-up?(Y/N) Yes No NUTRITION (optional) 6 Route of nutrition (one or several of the following) Oral Enteral (type ..................................... ...........................................................) Parenteral 34 DEATH DETAILS 7 yy mm 8 Date of death dd Death related to 1 = tumour 2= tumour and treatment 3 = other cause (specify) 9 = unknown __________________________________ Please attach copy of autopsy report if available 35