Kortfattade bios medverkande artister Nordiska länder & övriga länder*
VARIA2013, VARIA Nuläge 2014, VARIA2014, VARIA Nuläge 2015, VARIA2015
*Artister osv. är nämnda i kronologisk ordning så långt det är möjligt. Inom parantes är uppgivet resp. artists insatts under
resp. festivaltillfälle. Dock kommer flertal (i mån av utrymme/tillresande etc.) att ta del av samtalsdelar men samtal omnämns
bara i anslutning till den artist som leder/medverkar i resp. samtal. Samtliga artister kommer också att arbeta med work in
progress under perioderna.
Ray Chung dans (USA) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning, undervisning)
Ray is a performer, teacher, engineer, and artist who has a passion for dancing which he likes to share with other people. His
main focus is improvisation and he has worked with Contact Improvisation since 1979 as part of improvisational
performance practice and integrates other movement forms into his work, including martial arts, bodywork and Authentic
Movement. Ray has worked with the leading proponents of Contact Improvisation including Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark
Smith, Lisa Nelson, Peter Bingham, Chris Aiken, and regularly collaborates with dancers, musicians, and other artists. His
work has been featured at numerous national and international festivals and venues, and he has performed in works by Anna
Halprin, George Coates Performance Works, Constantine Mihos, and Andrew Harwood. Ray regularly teaches in Europe,
South America, Asia, and USA and is based in San Francisco.
Katarina Eriksson dans (USA/S) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning, undervisning)
Katarina Eriksson har arbetat med improviserad dans sedan 1989, ofta i samarbete med andra artister t.ex. Cathie Caraker,
Ray Chung , Julyen Hamilton och den svenska improvisationsgruppen Floke. Hon undervisar i Kontaktimprovisation och
andra improvisationsformer i Europa och USA. Hennes mer traditionella bakgrund består av utbildning på Balettakademin
och dansarengagemang med bl.a. Stadsteatern och Stora Teatern i Göteborg. Katarina har producerat föreställningsserien
Moment’s Notice i Berkeley sedan 2000. Hennes senaste verksamhet inbegriper en artistresidens på CounterPULSE i San
Fransisco, turné med Hoppalappa Postfolki Tanziteatteri i Sverige och Tyskland, medskapare och dansare i föreställningar i
den krigshistoriska byggnanden Beit Beirut i Libanon samt ledare för ett dans-,teater- och musikstycke på Earthdance i
Massachusetts och på Movement Research at Judson Church i New York.
Scott Wells dans (USA) Medverjande i VARIA2013 (föreställning, undervisning)
Education; 1991M.F.A. Choreography, University of Illinois. 1988 B.A. Mathematics, University of California at Santa
Cruz. In 2010 and 2005 Scott Wells received San Francisco’s most prestigious choreography award: The Isadora Duncan
Award for Outstanding Choreography. In 2005 he was selected by “Dance Magazine as one of the 25 To Watch”. He has
created works for skateboarders, boxers, actors and in 2010 for ballerinas and contact improvisors.
Shira Yaziv dans (ISR) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning)
Shira is the co-founder of Athletic PlayGround in Emeryville, CA, shares a vision of a healthy global community sustained
by playful, interactive movement. She has a background in Capoeira, and currently teaching Monkey Conditioning,
Handstands, Partner Flips and Acrobatics. She has been dancing with Scott Wells & Dancers since 2011.
Måns Erlandsson dans (S) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal)
Måns Erlandson f 1967 arbetar sedan 1987 som professionell dansare. Han är utbildad i Sverige och i Frankrike där han även
arbetade med dansen i 5 år. Han har koreograferat dans sedan början av 90-talet och startade -94 Avart Dans & Rörelse.
Avart gör föreställningar för ungdomar och vuxna som turnerar i hela Sverige. Många av hans projekt är baserade på
improvisationmed dansare, musiker och andra scenkonstnärer. Måns arbetar som pedagog på bl a Dans- och Cirkushögskolan, Cirkör, Mim- och Teaterhögskolan. Han är ute på skolor, gymnasier och ger fortbildning i rörelse, improvisation,
komposition, metod och gruppdynamik för lärare och elever. Grund i hans undervisning är kontaktimprovisation.
Ronja Ver dans (NO) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning)
Ronja is a dancer and dance maker, she is living and making work in the Bay Area. Since -01 she has created several full
evening works for both theater and found spaces. In the USA, her choreography has been presented by Danspace Project,
Movement Research at the Judson Church, and the American Dance Festival, among others. Former posts include the
National Theatre of Finland (2006-2008), the Beyond Improvisation Collective (ongoing), and Riitta Vainio Dance Company
(2002-2006). She has performed and collaborated in works by Nancy Stark Smith and Mike Vargas, Deborah Hay, Jaana
Klevering, Mirja Tukiainen, Keith Hennessy, David Hurwith, Scott Wells and Dancers, and was proud to perform on Steve
Paxton’s DVD Material for the Spine. She is co-founder of the Finnish CI festival Skiing On Skin, and holds an MFA in
Dance from Hollins University.
Anna Wemmert ljus (S) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (samtliga föreställningar)
Anna är ljussättare sedan -92. Verksam inom dans, teater, opera, utställningar. Hon har t.ex. arbetat med Eva Ingemarsson,
Lena Josefsson, Gunilla Witt, Göteborgs Operans balett, Stadsteatern i Göteborg, Malmö Opera, Angereds- teatern,
Folkteatern, Regionteater Väst. Drivkraften i ljussättningsarbetet är hudens magi och rummets begränsningar.
Christian Hüls dans (S) Medverkande i VARIA2013 (föreställning)
Christian är improvisationsdansare sedan 1989 med bas i Göteborg. Han är Feldenkrais® pedagog (utbildning Malmö 3,
huvudlärare Alan Questel) och klinisk kemist på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Inom dansen kombinerar han olika dansoch improvisationstekniker med Feldenkrais®idéer och nyare rön inom främst neurovetenskapen. Sedan 1995 har han drivet
Göteborgsjammet, ett forum för Kontaktimprovisation. Hans framträdanden har skett i vidskilda sammanhang på olika scener
i Sverige och Tyskland. Danspedagoger han tränat för är bl.a. Kirstie Simson, Katarina Eriksson, Maria Mebius-Schröder,
Bronja Novak, Andrew Morrish, Lisa L. Petersson.
Giorgio Convertito dans (FIN/ITA) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal)
Giorgio is a dancer, dance maker based in Helsinki. He holds a BA in dance and choreography, from the School for New
Dance Development, a department of the Amsterdam Theaterschool and has worked since -93 as a dancer and a choreographer in several projects in Holland, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Finland.
Improvisation/Instant Comp- osition is the main interest, influence in his work both as a dancer and dance maker and it has
been part of many of the projects he has been involved in the past few years, making him one of the leading figure in the
improvisation scene in Helsinki. Since -06 he has been organizing, curating The Helsinki Meeting Point, a multidisciplinary
improvisation evening held monthly in Kokoteatteri Helsinki. -09-10, he has been artist in residence at Daghdha Dance
Company Limerick, Ireland.
Mirva Mäkinen dans (FIN) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014 (föreställning mm)
Mirva holds a Masters of Art in Dance from the Theatre Academy of Finland. She works as a professional dancer and as a
choreographer in Finland and the USA, while teaching improvisation and Contact Improvisation in several of the most
important festivals worldwide. In 2010-2011 she received a Fulbright Scholarship and spent a year in USA developing her
artistic work. She's currently doing her Phd of Dance at the Theatre Academy of Finland.
Luis Alejandro Olarte music (FIN/COL) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014 (föreställning mm)
Luis is a colombian born, Helsinki based electroacoustic musical improviser and a composer, as well as a lecturer and a
researcher. He has been commissioned work from places such as Sibelius Academy, Centre Chorégraphique National de
Montpellier, Centre National de La Danse, Patin, France, Phonos Foundation, Barcelona, Festival d'Avignon and others. He
is currently a Doctoral Candidate at the Sibelius Academy, Centre For Music and Technology in Helsinki.
Saija Nojonen ljus (FIN) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014 (föreställning mm)
Besides crepes and folk music she is especially interested in the feel of different materials and the reflections of light upon
them. She also does carpentry, set design and overall visual designs and visual dramaturgy. She is fascinated by the
possibility of drawing with light in the imaginary space within the spectator.
Christina Hallström video (NL/S) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal) & videodokumentation VARIA2015.
Christina Hallstrom grew up in Sweden, in -98 she graduated at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam in Graphic Design
and Visual communication. Since then she works as a freelance printmaker, photographer, graphic designer, and filmmaker
of documentary, art- and music-films based in Amsterdam. “Her work is involved with image making and video, film,
photography and print. She collaborates with musicians and dancers, and much of her work appears in the form of DVD files
and printed images. Her work as a printmaker is in the extended and growing realm of digital imaging, where the matrix is a
digital file rather than the more traditional intaglio or relief matrices. She also participated in VARIA2006 – 2011 as
documenter. Christina has made several short films about the VARIA festival.
Henriette Pedersen dans mm (NO) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning, samtal)
Henriette har siden hun ble utdannet koreograf fra Statens Balletthøgskole i -00 jobbet i krysningsfeltet mellom dans, teater
og billedkunst. I hennes tidlige produksjoner var flørten med billedkunsten særlig tydelig, blant annet i form av falske
vernissager. Vi ser dette kanskje mest eksplisitt i verk som Utidig Innsyn og Classic Heaven fra -00 og -03. De fem første
årene av karrieren hennes jobbet hum med stedsspesifikke installasjoner, videoinstallasjoner, forestillinger og performance.
Mot midten av totusentallet beveger Pedersen seg derimot inn i teater- og danseinstitusjonene. Forestillingene Small stick big
bird, Hamburger Allee og The Problem Has No Name har alle vært vist ved på både teater- og dansearenaer. Selv om
referansen til billedkunsten aldri forsvinner er dansens møte med teatret og musikken mer fremtredende i denne perioden.
The Problem Has No Name er første produksjon fra Pedersen med skrevet manus, men alle hennes verk henter sitt materiale
fra vår felles mytebank. Hele kunstnerskapet har en sterk forankring i feminismen, og trekker veksler på kjønnsteori. Med
’genusblikk’ på samfunnet plukker hun fra hverandre kollektive oppfattelser og mytiske fortellinger. Forestillingene i Animal
Magnetism har vært produsert for teater- og dansescener først. Deretter har de vært bearbeidet i forhold til et mer intimt og
stedsspesifikt format og vist i ulike gallerirom. Trilogien er et feministisk korstog med sin undersøkelse av ’hysteri’ som
diagnose og begrep.
Lisa Larsdotter Petersson dans (S) Projektledare för VARIA2013-2015 & medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2014
(föreställning, undervisning, samtal), VARIA2014 (föreställning), VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal).
Lisa L Petersson dansare och konstnär samt initiativtagare, projektledare och medverkande VARIA2006 – 2015.
Lisa har studerat dans och improvisations tekniker, skulptur, filosofi, foto, aikido mm. i flertal länder. Hon kombinerar
uttryck i performance, föreställningar, utställningar på teatrar, konsthallar, gallerier mm. Vid sidan av egna solo verksamhet i
Sverige och Europa producerar, initierar, komponerar och medverkar Lisa i internationella, nationella, lokala möten/projekt/
föreställningar där improvisation och möten mellan medier ofta har huvudroll; Ex VARIA -06-12, VARIA Grows Nordic 10, DAMPcrew -06-08, Big Under -10, Dansbandet -05-07, När-Varande -11 osv. Lisa undervisar scenkonstnärer och
studenter inom dans, teater, bild i improvisationstekniker och rumsuppfattning. Samt ställer också ut bildkonst kontinuerligt.
Chris Corsano musik (USA) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (invigningskonsert).
Chris is a versatile improviser who combines high-energy, dense poly-rhythmic playing with an incredibly subtle attention to
timbre. Also a pioneer of prepared drum set techniques, he uses violin strings and bows, saxophone reeds, household objects,
metal bowls and wooden blocks to coax a startling array of sounds from his kit. Originally from the northeast US, Corsano
has become part of an international community of collaborators, performing and recording with dozens of different musicians
in the USA, Japan, Great Britain and elsewhere, including Paul Flaherty, Jim O'Rourke, Evan Parker and Björk .
Tilo Han ljus (NO) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (samtliga föreställningar exkl. R Crisp grupp).
Tilo har arbeidet med lys siden 2005. Jeg startet som lysteknikker og lysasistent på Black Box Teater i Oslo. Siden det har jeg
jobbet med lys på mange ulike vis og i ulike miljøer. Blandt annet som lysdesigner for frie teater og danseproduksjoner,
lysmester på Dansens Hus i Oslo, turnelys for Rikskonsertene, klubblys for klubben Sunkissed og utestedet Jæger Oslo. Nå
jobber jeg regelmessig med kompaniene Verk Produksjoner, Henriette Pedersen, Siri & Snelle Produksjoner og Rasmus
Jørgensen. De siste årene har det vert viktig for meg å utfordre og leke med konvensjonene rundt lys. Jeg spør meg stadig
hvorfor teater og dans stort sett spennende lyssetting.lyssettes. Dette tvinger meg til å refektere over min oppgave i
prosjektene jeg deltar i. Noe som igjen ofte fører til ny innsikt og
Therese Skauge dans (NO) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning, undervisning).
Therese is a performer and dancer that was educated with the state school for dance in Norway (KHIO), after studying at the
Norwegian Opera Dance Shool. She joined Carte Blanche - Norways national company for contemporary dance in 1990
where she remained untill 2008. Therese has won several awards for her work as a dancer. Therese has also freelanced as a
dancer and in several productions with Norwegian choreographer Ina Christel Johannesen. Therese dances in "I am waiting
for you to stop waiting" and "Before Long", which was commissioned in the occasion of her leaving the carte blanche in
2008 after 18 years
Terje Isungset musik (NO) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning, samtal).
Is one of the most unique and innovative percussionists in Europe today. His personal sound is present whenever he
participates, without copying existing musicians or styles. This is accomplished in part by using self made instruments and
sound sources. Sheep bells, wooden logs and sticks, pieces of granite slate, and blocks of ice have all found their way into his
arsenal of over 200 sound producing objects, as well as recordings of factories and machines. "Timbres" and "colors" are
central in Terje Isungsets music and compositions.. In the press, it has often been described as innovative, visual, energetic,
and different from any previously known concepts. Terje Isungset has worked the most within free improvisation and often in
collaboration with traditional musicians internationally. Norwegian groups like: "Utla", "Orleysa", "Isglem", Knut Reiersrud
acc. quartet, Frode Gjerstad - and "Groupa" from Sweden. He has also worked with musicians in Germany, UK, and Finland ,
and dona tours and recordings with "Okuta Percussion". (drummers from Nigeria and Australia.) Isungset has also been
commissioned to compose for Jazz Festivals, Dance Performances, theatre, film, etc.
Aloun Marchal dans (S/FRA) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning).
Aloun is an improviser, dancer and choreographer. French artist living in Gothenburg, Sweden. He receives the Danceweb
grant in 2008 and 2012. In 2010, he is awarded the second prize of the Dance competition, “Danse Elargie” that took place in
théatre de la ville, for the creation of “Gerro, Minos and Him” in collaboration with Roger Sala Reyner and Simon Tanguy.
He is currently touring an improvised duet with the keyboard player Matti Ollikainen, the last show of the integrated dance
company SPINN, and a duet in not too deep water with the dancer Ine Claes.
Christian Skjødt musik (DK) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning).
Christian is an improviser and sound artist from Aalborg, Denmark. In his work a boundary pushing curiosity permeates,
where improvisation often serves as the focal point. Deconstruction, contrasts, and untraditional instruments are highly
present in his work, that during the last years have been awarded with several prizes. Besides being active in many different
artistic projects where electroacoustic experiments, installations and performativity collide, Christian is also the curator and
founder of the record label Tonometer Music objectifying creative and adventurous music on vinyl in limited
editions. Christian himself appears on more than 25 record releases, and during the last years, he has, besides Denmark, been
performing in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Canada, and latest at the highly
esteemed contemporary music festival ‘Ostrava Days’ in the Czech Republic.Christian has a master's degree in Drums and
Music Technology from the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark, where he currently teaches electronic music.
Rosalind Crisp dans (AU/FR) Medverkande i VARIA2014(föreställning, undervisning, samtal)
Rosalind trained at the Victorian Ballet School, Melbourne, and in Contact Improvisation, release work and Body-mind
centering® at the European Dance Development Centre, the Netherlands. In 1996 she established the Omeo Dance studio, a
site for her choreographic research for over ten years and the place of residence for a community of dance artists in Sydney.
She choreographed many works there, including in 1999, Accumulation 1-40, a work for 24 performers. She also initiated
artistic exchanges such as BerlinXchange and Franco-Omeo-Exchange, and co-curated two editions of the international dance
festival Antistatic (1997 and 1999). Recipient of the Women and Arts Fellowship of the New South Wales government, she
also received a "Mo" award for best female dancer of the year in 1996 and a 2-year choreographic fellowship from the Dance
Fund of the Australia Council for the Arts (2000-2001). Invited to France in 2002 by Michel Caserta, director of the Biennale
nationale de danse du Val-de-Marne, she is, since 2004, an associate artist of the Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson. Her works
are presented in France, Germany, Finland, the UK... She also creates works for other companies such as Two Fish Berlin,
Laban Centre London, and HZT university of Berlin where she is a guest professor.
Andrew Morrish performance/voice (AU/FR) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal)
Andrew started improvising with Al Wunder's Theatre of the Ordinary in Melbourne in 1982. From 1987 to 1999, he was
half of the duo "Trotman et Morrish" performing throughout Australia and in the United States. Since 1999, he has focussed
on his solo performing and is sought after as a teacher of improvisation for performance throughout Australia, Germany, the
Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, England and France. Andrew is an honorary research fellow of the University of
Huddersfield, UK.
Hansueli Tischhauser musik (CH) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning)
Musician, composer and performer active in the Zurich scene since the 1980's, his music finds its sources in Blues, Boogie
and Rock’n Roll... all "dance music" that inspires him. He performs regularly with his duo LosDos and is an active member
of his various other groups. Since 2007, he plays in a performance duet with Andrew Morrish Still here.
Since 2008 he plays in Rosalind Crisp's work, d a n s e (4), and since 2010 he is one third of the dance/music/performance
event No-one will tell us... with Rosalind Crisp and Andrew Morrish. He was awarded the prestigious Werkjahr der Stadt
Zürich 2011 prize by the City of Zurich.
Marco Wehrspann ljus (DE) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning)
Technical engineer for the theatre, lighting designer and stage designer, Marco studied in Berlin, worked as production
director for the EXPO 2000, Berliner Festspiele and Tanzmesse NRW. Since 1995 he works in lighting, conception, stage
design and technical direction with Marguerite Donlon, Gayle Tufts, DoTheatre Saint-Pétersbourg, Jess Curtis, Minako Seki,
Rolf Dennemann, Rosalind Crisp, Barbara Fuchs, Germaine Acogny...
Marylise Frecheville musik (FRA) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning)
Marylise was put on stage when she was three years old and became addicted to it. After questioning her academic training in
dance, drama and piano, she joined her first “rebel-without-a-cause” teenage garage band in 1993 - playing keyboards,
singing out-of-tune, and eventually beating the skins. After delving in Art-Nouveau architecture (with a degree from Lille
Régions Nord University of Architecture, France), running after rabbits, and boozing until brain failure, she returned to the
stage on drums and classical percussion (studies at the Victoria Conservatory of Music , Canada) - constantly pushing
insanity and constipation further away. Frecheville suffers from an acutely selective memory, but this this has yet to prevent
her from being extremely prolific; composing music, writing lyrics, rehearsing, improvising, and performing her lurid dances,
intricate drum beats, and bewitching serenades with Vialka on a near daily basis.
Eric Boros musik (FRA) Medverkande i VARIA2014 (föreställning)
Eric plays Improvised/composed/decomposed guitar, electronics and voice for all occasions. Vodka-poetry, break-butoh,
evil-jazz – sublime ear-theater for humans of today. Vialka is a French avant-progressive band in the Rock in Opposition
vein. Their music is a great mixture of genres and influences such as folk, rock, punk (in their musical "attitude", mostly) and
Balkan music, notably. Formed in 2002, Vialka consists of Marylise Frecheville and Éric Boros.
Niklas Pohlman ljus (S) Medeverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning)
Niklas har en gedigen bakgrund och mycket stor erfarenhet efter många år i branschen. Tidigare har han bland annat jobbat
med audiovisuella lösningar i utställningssammanhang, t.ex. på Göteborgs Museer. Har även varit inspicient på lunchteatern
på Stadsteatern i Göteborg. Niklas har arbetat som AV-tekniker på Volvos konferensanläggning i Göteborg, där han utförde
många teaterljussättningar till events och bil-reveler. Han har varit ljus- och ljudansvarig på Göteborgs musikhögskola.
Niklas har även varit ljus, ljud och bild projektledare på flertal företag såsom ex. AV-Huset, AVL, Audio Visual Light AB,
Spectra Stage & Event Technologies etc. Niklas medverkade i VARIA2009.
Elisabeth Kjeldahl Nilsson ljus (NO) Medeverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning)
Elisabeth is born 1983 in Eidskog, Norway. Freelance as a lighting designer and visual creator for performings arts, live
concerts and corporate events since 2003. Educated at Dramatiska Institutet (University College of Film, Radio, Television
and Theatre Stockholm) and NISS in Oslo. Collaborated with creators as Steffi Lund, Dansdesign, Mia Habib, Parallax,
Marianne Skjeldal, Emilia Adelöw, Toril Solvang, Melanie Mederlind, Marcus Lindéen, Malin Hellkvist Sellen, Tove Sahli,
Hallgrim Hansegård. Also collaborating with norwegian bands Team Me and Phone Joan on live concepts. Upcoming
projects include Ella Fiskums "“tryptych 0811″ opening at EMPAC, Troy New York in September 2012.
Lisa Fahlen dans (S) Medeverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning)
Lisa är dansare och danskonstnär inom nutida dans och improvisation. Hon har utbildat sig på Skolen for Samtidsdans i Oslo
och Högskolan för Scen och Musik i Göteborg. Hon samarbetar bland annat med tonsättaren/laptop-musikern Axel Rudebeck
och scenkonstnären Jan Rådvik. Lisa var en av initiativtagarna till det Oslobaserade danskompaniet New Fashion Rockers.
Sedan våren 2007 har kompaniet skapat och framfört dansföreställningarna “avart”, “New:Fashion:Rock” och “Give it up!”.
Benno Voorham dans (S/NL) Medeverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal)
Benno is an international performer, choreographer and teacher from Holland, living in Stockholm since 1995. Since his
graduation in 1986 from the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam he has worked internationally as an
independent dance-artist, directing his own work as well as collaborating with others in both set and improvised pieces.
Together with Sybrig Dokter he started LAVA-Dansproduktion, an international operating association for dance, based in
Stockholm. He was a member of the Greek dance-theatre company ‘Wrong Movement’ (1993-2007) and has worked as a
dancer/actor at the City Theatre of Stockholm (2005–2007). In recent years he has choreographed several works for children
and youth. He is an acclaimed international teacher of Contact Improvisation and Compositional Improvisation. In both his
teaching and performance work, he is interested in exploring the creative and narrative potentials of the human body.
Currently he is working on the project “Miscellaneous Misunderstanding” with Andrew Harwood and Paula Zacharias and
preparing the project “Дом/Home”, a project with dancers from Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus that will include children
from orphanages and their stories.
Malin Casta ljus (S) Medeverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning, samtal).
Maline is a visual artist with a background in stage design. She received her MFA in Design for Stage and Film from Tisch
School of the Arts in New York (2004) and is currently enrolled in the MA-program at Konstfack in Stockholm. Maline has
designed set and costumes for a large number of stage productions in Sweden and abroad, including venues and companies
such as Juilliard (NYC), Columbia University (NYC), MDT (Stockholm) and Compania National de Danza (Madrid). Recent
collaborations with choreographers include Dorte Olesen (DK/SE), Benno Voorham (NL/SE), Quarto Physical Theater
(BR/SE), Con/Text - Kajsa Sandström & Ylva Henriksson- (SE) and Philippe Blanchard (FR). Since 2007 Maline also
produces her own performance pieces which have been presented at various international art festivals.
Johan Rödström ljus (S) VARIA Nuläge 2014 (Teknik mm), Medverkande VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning,
undervisning), VARIA2015 (samtliga föreställningar) & Övrig div. ljus/teknisk rådgivning VARIA2013 - 2015.
Johan Rödström har gått scenografutbildningen på Dramatiska Institutet men har också varit verksam som regissör och
ljusdesigner. Johan har arbetat i ett 40-tal uppsättningar både på institutioner och i frigrupper. Drev under 90-talet Unga
Studion scen för ny ospelad dramatik. Är sedan 2004 medlem i AktÖr som numera heter Skogen. Arbetat med koreografer
som Lotta Melin och Eva Ingemarsson. Johan medverkade i VARIA2009 & VARIA2011.
Henrik Wartel (S) Medverkande i VARIA Nuläge 2015 (föreställning) & total web ansvarig VARIA2013 – 2015.
Henrik has his own freelance web development and music company; he participated in VARIA2006 as a musician. Wartel
has been a part of the Swedish and International Improvisation scene since many years; he collaborated with many great
musicians and artists all over the world. Wartel has co-managed the VARIA website since it´s realize in 2009.
Joakim Stampe performance (S) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (invigninsperformance, samtal)
Joakim Stampe är konstnär och projektledare för Live Action Göteborg. Han har verkat som konstnär i över 25 år, och har
under senare år fokuserat sitt konstnärsskap på performance. Han har deltagit i performancekonst festivaler i Polen, Finland,
Frankrike, HongKong, Italien, Macao, Mexico, Thailand, Tyskland, Singapore, Kina och USA . Hans konst behandlar
vanligtvis sociala och politiska frågeställningar. Med en filosofisk kritisk attityd ger han publiken och betraktaren en bild av
den värld som omger oss. Vare sig han berör mordet på Olof Palme, "kriget mot terrorismen", det svenska välfärdssamhällets
sönderfall och neo-liberalisering. Joakim Stampe arbetar genomgående med motiv från vår nutida historia. Hans performance
konstverk/aktioner är starkt visuella även om han även arbetar med ljud och i hög grad interaktivt med publiken. Sedan sju år
tillbaks leder han tillsammans med sin bror Jonas Stampe, Live Action Sweden (tidigare Gothenburg),samt den regionala
performance festivalen Live Action Plus tidigare Vara, Lidköping, Borås i år Mariestad och spelar sedan dess än mer aktiv
roll på den svenska och nordiska performancekonst scenen.
Sten RudstrØm Action Theater (USA/FIN) Medverkande i VARIA2015(föreställning, undervisning, samtal).
Sten has worked for over 25 years with Ruth Zaporah, developer of the improvisational performance training process Action
Theater™. Widely respected teacher/performer throughout the United States and Europe, his workshops are high-energy,
articulate and promote stronger performance skills. He is a a graduate of the Naropa Institute, MFA Creative Writing, and
The California Institute of the Arts, MFA Live Art/Performance. www.stenrudstrom.com, www.actiontheater.com
Satu Palokangas dans (FIN) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning, undervisning, samtal).
Satu is a performer, educator and a somatic movement therapist whose work is rooted in Laban/Bartenieff Movement
Analysis, ecology, embodied anatomy, bodywork and dance. Intrigued by change, her work is both subtle and fierce, and
guides students into meeting the many parts of themselves, challenging and fine-tuning their perceptions of reality. Satu
regularly teaches at the Theater Academy of Finland and in dance institutions and festivals around Europe. She is a graduate
of Moving On Center, and studied under Carol Swann, Martha Eddy and Peggy Hackney, and holds an MA Performance
Studies from Theater Academy of Finland.
Brian Gerke dans/performance (IS/USA) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning, undervisning).
Brian a native of Montana, received his initial dance training at the University of Montana and Hunter College in New York
City, then moved on to be a scholarship student with the Trisha Brown Dance Company and to perform with Hilary Easton
and Company, Juliana May and Sondra Loring in New York. He has served as the Director of the Contemporary Dance
Department at the National Ballet Academy of Iceland and has been a guest professor at the Arts University in Iceland as
well as the local community dance center. Most recently, Brian has joined The Icelandic Dance Company as a full time dance
for the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 seasons.
Steinunn Ketilsdottir dans/performance (IS) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning, undervisning).
Steinunn received a BSc in Business Administration in Iceland before moving to New York City where she earned a BA in
dance from Hunter College, performed with Juliette Mapp and was rehearsal assistant for Charles Moulton. For two years,
she directed the Modern Dance Department at the Icelandic Ballet School. She is currently teaching at the Icelandic Film
School and the Icelandic Arts Academy.
Michael Norlind fysisk teater (S) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning, undervisning).
Artistic education: Larssons teaterakademi/Larssons teater 1989-94 Gothenbourgh Sweden. Exampels of solos: Lone ranger
Rambo- 1990, D.V.S - 1992, Tre sagor om hjälpsamhet - 1997, Gycklarens dans - 1999, The Mamut kind of show - 2005,
Som vore det en saga - 2007. Exampels of directing works: Vem ropar - Teater Embla 1994, Ringaren i Notre Dame Bohusläns berättarspel 2001, Påskperformance, Varietté Hercules -2010, Sommarperformance - 2011, E.D.O.T - Håll dig på
mattan -2012; Centrum för scenisk rörelse och eget skapande. Teaching: larssons teaterakademi - 1991-93, Sotenäs
teaterateljé (University of Gothenbourgh) - 1995-97, Theatre academy of Luleå University - 1998 (Head of dep- artment
2008-09), Norwegian theatre academy -2010. Artistic leader for Centrum för scenisk rörelse och eget skapande 2007.
Alina Mikhaylova dans (RUS) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning, undervisning).
Alina is an independent dancer and director from St.-Petersburg. She also facilitate workshops and teaches classes focused on
“Inner space training”. She performs her own solos rather collaborates with dancers and artists from different fields of art in
Russia and abroad. She has worked with such musicians as Vladimir Volkov ( Russia), Georgio Kremanchi (California),
Leila Sheyagh (Switzerland), Kawasaki (Japan), with visual artists as Tino Svetozarev (Macedonia), Koronay Zolt
(Hungury), Cris Crickmey (GB) with dance companies in Greece: Shedia Police dance theatre and Eldor dance company
(Greece), Samovar theatre (Norway), 3d Side Specific Pr (Finland), Brenton Cheng (SF), Julyen Hamilton (SP), Monika
Laszlo (Hungary), entz. She is nominated from Open Socity Institute and CEC Artslink foundation. Since 2006 she is
working at FMD theatre (St.Petersburg) as an actress and dancer.
Michelle Collins fysisk teater (S) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning)
Född i San Francisco, California. Utbildad på på Dell`Arte School of Mime and Comedy in Blue Lake California USA,
Göteborgs Konstskola samt Masters Examen på Högskolan för Scen och Musik på Göteborg´s Universitet. Med den fysiska
teatern som grund hon låter dem olika uttrycksformer mötas, kollideras och förhoppningsvis integreras i en lekfull spelstil.
Josephine Kylén Collins dans/performance (S) Medverkande i VARIA2015 (föreställning)
Josephine is a 22 year old Swedish/American performer. She is interested in exploring ways to make theatre vital and
confronting with the world it is part of. Josephine uses theatre and art to suggest other ways to see and perceive, by making
space for that which is not addressed in the "real" world. Education; 2009-2012 Actors education at The Norweigan Theatre
Academy in Fredrikstad, 2011 Exchange at Amsterdam School of the Arts in the Mime Department, 2005-2008 The Royal
Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm and 1999-2005 The Swedish Ballet School in Gothenburg.
Kortfattade bios - övriga assistenter
VARIA2013, VARIA Nuläge 2014, VARIA2014, VARIA Nuläge 2015, VARIA2015
Jannine Rivel (S) Del-producent, assistent, rådgivare VARIA2013 - 2015.
Jannine is a choreographer, dancer, teacher and producer - educated among else at the Royal Swedish Ballet School & Susan
Klein School of Movement and Dance. She was co-producing VARIA2011 and also worked as assistant etc.
Ami Skånberg Dahlstedt (S) Videodokumentation VARIA2013, VARIA2014.
Ami är utbildad på Balettakademien och Fri Konst och Nya Media i Göteborg. Sedan 1994 har hon gjort många dansfilmer,
som har visats på festivaler över hela världen, givits ut på DVD och visats i SVT. Hennes debutfilm fick ett
hedersomnämnande i Paris. Hennes andra film nominerades till Göteborg Filmfestivals pris Guldhatten.. Hennes bakgrund är
som dansare och koreograf, men hon arbetar också som skådespelerska och skribent, samt har studerat videokonst på
Konsthögskolan Valand.
Mona Wallström (S) Fotodokumentation, rådgivare VARIA2013 – 2015.
Mona works as a jewellery designer, project leader and has coordinated several international seminars, workshops and
exhibitions. Wallström has been a part of the VARIA organization since 2006.