Interna'onell poli'k 733G20 Per Jansson Ht 2013 “A polity (or poli'cal authority) has a dis$nct iden$ty; a capacity to mobilize persons and their resources for poli'cal purposes, that is, for value sa'sfac'on; and a degree of ins$tu$onalisa$on and hierarchy (leaders and cons'tuents).” Yale R. Ferguson & Richard W. Mansbach, Poli$es: Authority, Iden$$es, and Change (1999) 2013-­‐12-­‐10 Weber and the State ”A state is a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legi'mate use of physical force within a given territory.” Idea of the State Physical base of the State Barry Buzan, People, States and Fear, 2 uppl.(1991). Ins'tu'onal expressions of the State Interna'onell poli'k 2013-­‐12-­‐04 Klassisk teori om interna'onell poli'k Kellogg-­‐Briand pakten undertecknas 1928; 15 stater enades om a[ göra krig olagligt som medel för konfliktlösning! Realism •  Stater de väsentliga aktörerna i interna'onell poli'k •  Ra'onalitet •  Säkerhetsmålet (överlevnad) framför allt •  Det interna'onella systemets anarkiska karaktär à “self-­‐help” “Right, as the world goes, is only in ques'on between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” Thukydides om kriget mellan Sparta och Aten, 431 – 407 f.Kr. Thomas Hobbes But though there had never been any 'me, wherein par'cular men were in a condi'on of warre one against another; yet in all 'mes, Kings, and Persons of Soveraigne authority, because of their Independency, are in con'nuall jalousie, and in the state and posture of Gladiators; having their weapons poin'ng, and their eyes fixed on one another … Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651). Interna'onell anarki Anarkin är jämnt fördelad i hela det interna'onella systemet. Interna'onell anarki Anarkin är ojämnt fördelad i det interna'onella systemet; det finns ”öar” av ordning och samarbete. Neo-­‐realism vs. neo-­‐liberalism Förenas av individualism och materialism: Aktörer antas ha givna intressen, begränsas i si[ agerande av strukturer, som är materiella ('llgångar, geografi, teknologi etc.) Neo-­‐realism vs. neo-­‐liberalism •  Förenas av a[ båda ser det interna'onella systemet som anarkiskt – men drar olika slutsatser beträffande möjligheter 'll samarbete. •  Neo-­‐liberaler betonar “absolute gains”; stater samarbetar för a[ 'llsammans vinna så mycket som möjligt (möjlighet 'll fusk en restrik'on) •  Neo-­‐realister betonar “rela've gains”; stater måste all'd bevaka varandra, se 'll sin rela'va styrka, vilket motverkar samarbete. Interna'onell poli'k 2013-­‐12-­‐05 Alterna'va teorier om interna'onell poli'k De tre deba[erna 1. Realism vs. Idealism (liberalism) 2. Vetenskap vs. Tradi'onalism 3. Posi'vism/statscentrism vs. Kri'ska och post-­‐
posi'vis'ska perspek'v Marxismen Marxism as a dis'nct tradi'on in IR theory challenges liberal and the realist theories: Marxismen inom IP vänder sig mot liberala och realis'ska teorier: •  Dessa teorier är oförmögna a[ visa på den verkliga dynamiken inom interna'onell poli'k •  Istället bidrar de 'll a[ dölja de verkliga maknörhållandena i världen, och därmed även 'll a[ upprä[hålla dessa strukturer. Feminism “Feminist theories must go beyond injec'ng women’s experiences into different disciplines and a[empt to challenge the core concepts of the disciplines themselves. Concepts central to interna'onal rela'ons theory and prac'ce, such as power, sovereignty, and security, have been framed in terms that we associate with masculinity.” J. Ann Tickner, Gender in Interna$onal Rela$ons (1992), s. 18.
Konstruk'vism There is no “logic” of anarchy apart from the prac'ces that create and ini'ate one structure of iden''es and interests rather than another; structure has no existence or causal powers apart from process. Self-­‐help and power poli'cs are ins'tu'ons, not essen'al features of anarchy. Anarchy is what states make of it. Alexander Wendt Konstruk'vism •  The Hobbesian logic à enmity •  The Lockean logic à rivalry •  The Kan'an logic à friendship Alexander Wendt (Social Theory of Interna$onal Poli$cs, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), chp. 6. Konstruk'vism •  När ra'onalister (neo-­‐realister och neo-­‐liberaler) antar a[ aktörer är atomis'ska egoister, menar konstruk'vister a[ de är djupt sociala. •  Istället för a[ betrakta aktörers intressen som givna före varje form av socialt handlande, menar konstruk'vister a[ intressen gives eller orsakas av just socialt handlande. •  Medan ra'onalister ser samhället (det interna'onella systemet) som en strategisk arena där ra'onella aktörer söker sina egna intressen, ser konstruk'vister det som en kons$tu$v arena, som gör aktörer 'll dem de är … Interna'onell poli'k 2013-­‐12-­‐09 Konflikt och krig Kriget som politikens fortsättning
med andra medel …
Kriget är det politiska samrörets
fortsättning med uppblandning
av andra medel …
Carl von Clausewitz
“What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta.” Thukydides om orsaken 'll kriget mellan Sparta och Aten, 431 – 407 f.Kr. Säkerhetsdilemmat •  “A structural no'on in which the self-­‐help a[empts of states to look arer their security needs tend, regardless of inten'on, to lead to rising insecurity for others as each interprets its own measures as defensive and measures of others as poten'ally threatening.” John H. Herz “Idealist Interna'onalism and the Security Dilemma” World Poli$cs vol. II, no.2 (1950): 171-­‐201, p.157. Säkerhetsgemenskaper •  A group of states that have integrated their social, economic and poli'cal structures to a degree where war no longer seems likely among them. The European Union is the best example. Den post-­‐moderna staten We live in a divided world, but divided quite differently from the days of the East-­‐West confronta'on. (Robert Cooper) •  The pre-­‐modern world •  The modern world •  The post-­‐modern world Interna'onell poli'k 2013-­‐12-­‐10 Normer och ins'tu'oner Hugo Gro'us … as the Laws of each State respect the Benefit of that State; so amongst all or most States there might be, and in Fact there are, some Laws agreed on by common Consent, which respect the Advantage not of one Body in par'cular, but of all in general. And this is what is called the Law of Na'ons. On the Law of War and Peace Interna'onellt system – Interna'onellt samhälle ”A system of states (interna'onal system) is formed when two or more states have sufficient contact between them, and have sufficient impact on one another’s decisions, to cause them to behave – at least in some measure – as parts of a whole.” (Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society, 1977, p. 9-­‐10) “A society of states (or interna'onal society) exists when a group of states, conscious of certain common interests and common values, form a society in the sense that they conceive themselves to be bound by a common set of rules in their Immanuel Kant Interna'onal society is none other than mankind … States are not persons, they have no wills but the wills of of the individuals who manage their affairs … behind the legal facade of the fic''ous Society of Na'ons is the true interna'onal society composed of men. Interna'onal System (Hobbes) Interna'onal Society (Gro'us) World Society (Kant) Interna'onella rä[skällor •  Interna'onal conven$ons, wheter general or par'cular,establishing rules expressly recognized by the contes'ng states; •  Interna'onal custom, as evidence of a general prac'ce accepted as law; •  The general principles of law recognized by civilized states; •  Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various na'ons, as subsidiary means for the determina'on of rules and law. Jus cogens •  A norm accepted and recognized by the interna'onal community of states as a whole as a norm from which no deroga'on is permi[ed and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of interna'onal law having the same character. (Vienna Conven'on of the Law of Trea'es, Art. 53)