UPPSALA UNIVERSITET MATEMATISKA INSTITUTIONEN Richard Miles Baskurs i matematik, 5 hp Höstterminen 2015 Nyckelord i Richard Miles föreläsningar Föreläsning Nyckelord Keywords 1 naturliga tal, rationella tal, irrationella tal, natural numbers, rational numbers, irrational reella tal, delmängd, intervall, absolutbelopp numbers, real numbers, subset, interval, absolute value 2 polynom, gradtal, rationella uttryck, polynomial, degree, rational expression, konjugat, diskriminant, kvadratkomplettering conjugate, discriminant, completing the square 3 komplexa tal, komplexkonjugat, realdel, imaginärdel complex numbers, complex conjugate, real part, imaginary part 4 talföljd, summa och produkt symboler, aritmetiska och geometriska serier, fakultet sequence, summation and product symbols, arithmetic and geometric series, factorial 5 Induktion, basfall, induktionsantagande, induktionsprincip induction, base case, induction assumption, principle of induction 6 permutationer, kombinationer, fakultet, Pascals triangel, binomialkoefficienter, binomialsatsen, multiplikationsprincipen permutations, combinations, factorial, Pascal's triangle, binomial coefficients, binomial theorem, multiplication principle 7 polynom, gradtal, polynomdivision, delare, kvot, rest, restsatsen, faktorsatsen polynomial, degree, polynomial division, divisor, quotient, remainder, remainder theorem, factor theorem 8 algebrans fundamentalsats, faktorsatsen, konjugatpar fundamental theorem of algebra, factor theorem, conjugate pair 9 koordinatsystem, avståndsformeln, kurvor i planet, funktion av 2 variabler, cirkel, ellips coordinate system, distance formula, planar curves, function of 2 variables, circle, ellipse 10 parabel, styrlinje, brännpunkt, normal, symmetrilinje, avbildning parabola, directrix, focus, normal, axis of symmetry, transformation 11 radianer, sinus, cosinus, generell lösning, periodisk, principala värdet, enhets cirkel, invers funktion radians, sine, cosine, general solution, periodic, principal value, unit circle, inverse function 12 Komplexa talplanet, absolutbeloppet, Argand komplex plane, absolute value, Argand diagram, argument, polär form diagram, argument, polar form 13 de Moivres formel de Moivre's formula 14 Potens, exponent, rötter, irrationellt tal, bas, logaritmer Power, exponent, roots, irrational number, base, logarithms 15 Exponential- och logaritmekvationer Exponential and logarithm equations 16 komplexa tal i potensform, binomiska ekvationer powers and n-th roots of complex numbers, binomial equations