Sophiahemmet Högskola

Sophiahemmet Högskola
Randers, Ingrid
Berglund, B., Mattiasson, A.-C., & Randers, I. (2010). Dignity not fully upheld when seeking
health care: Experiences expressed by individuals suffering from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Disability and Rehabilitation, Jan, 32(1), 1-7.
Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Näslund, E., Stockeld, D., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (2007). Information
needs following a diagnosis of oesophageal cancer; self-perceived information needs of patients
and family members compared with the perceptions of healthcare professionals: A pilot study.
European Journal of Cancer Care, May, 16(3), 277-85.
Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Ternulf Nyhlin, K., & Mattiasson, A.- C. (2007). A meta-analysis of
qualitative studies on living with oesophageal and clinically similar forms of cancer, seen from the
perspective of patients and family members. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health
and Well-being, 2, 114-127.
Axelsson, L., Björvell, C., Mattiasson, A.-C., & Randers, I. (2006). Swedish Registered Nurses'
incentives to use nursing diagnoses in clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Aug, 15(8),
Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Näslund, E., Stockeld, D., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (2006). Patients'
experiences of living with oesophageal cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Jun, 15(6), 685-95.
Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Näslund, E., Stockeld, D., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (2005). Family
members' experiences, information needs and information seeking in relation to living with a
patient with oesophageal cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, Dec, 14(5), 426-34.
Randers, I., Krakau, I., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (2004). The activating instructional approach: A
practical strategy for teaching ethical geriatric health care. International Nursing Perspectives,
4(1), 21-32.
Randers. I., &, Mattiasson, A .-C. (2004). Autonomy and integrity: Upholding older adult patients'
dignity. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Jan, 45(1), 63-71.
Randers, I., Mattiasson, A.-C., & Olson, T. H. (2003). The “Social Self”: The 11th category of
integrity – implications for enhancing geriatric nursing care. Journal of Applied Gerontolgy, Jun,
22(2), 289-309.
Randers, I., Olson, T. H., & Mattiasson A.-C. (2002). Confirming older adult patients' views of
who they are and would like to be. Nursing Ethics, Jul, 9(4), 416-31.
Randers, I., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (2000).The experiences of elderly people in geriatric care with
special reference to integrity. Nursing Ethics, Nov, 7(6), 503-19.
Randers, I., & Mattiasson, A.-C. (1999). Den Aristoteliska Etiken: Förståelsegrund för den
erfarna sjuksköterskans moraliskt goda handlande i vården och omsorgen om den gamla
människan. Vård i Norden, 19(1), 18-23.
Randers, I. (2002). Upholding older adults' innate and inherent dignity within a caring context.
Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet.