3A5324 Aktuella trender inom DNA/RNA vetenskap 2 3,0 hp Current Trends in DNA/RNA Science 2 Kursplan för 3A5324 giltig från VT14, utgåva 1. Lärandemål The participants should gain experience in presenting their own research. Also taking part in discussions related to both own and others research are emphasized. Kursens huvudsakliga innehåll Seminars by the student where they explain the background of their research project and discuss recent results. The participants will meet once a week and listen to two seminars given by two different PhD-students. Kursupplägg One seminar each week during regular autumn and spring terms (ca. 40 seminars per year). Behörighet Current Trends in DNA/RNA 1 Litteratur Individually selected for each student. Examination Krav för slutbetyg The students will give three seminars each and are obliged to participate at 80% of the scheduled occasions during two terms. Kursplan för 3A5324 giltig från VT14, utgåva 1. Sida 1 av 1