Socialt kapital i teori och praktik Vem är jag? c Agenda 30 augusti 2009 ”Google is built on trust – If we loose the trust to our customers we destroy our company” Vad menar man med detta? SOCIAL CAPITAL ”Collective action ”Trust ”Networks” ”Living togehter – Doing togehter” ”Working Together” ”Learning together” ”Sharing” ”Reciprocity” Varför fokusera på den sociala dimensionen av ekonomin? Stora utmaningar som bara kan lösas gemensamt En vanlig definition av socialt kaptial Networks together with shared norms, values and understanding that facilitate co-operation within or among groups of people (Office for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) “Social capital is the glue that holds societies together and without which there can be no economic growth or human wellbeing.” Christiaan Grootaert En definition, av många, på socialt kapital ”Networks, norms and trust that enable participants to act togheter more effectively to pursue shared objectives” Av Robert Putnam Bengt Johannisson – Tillträde på maktens arena, Det kollektiva entreprenörskapet Värde Företagsekonomiskt värde Värde av: Identitet Glädje Inspiration Etik Samhörighet Local value Local values Potential values Biosphere e. Stakeholders Common values Visualization Activites (Understanding) Nätverksbegrepp Bonding – Inom grupper, karaktäriserad av starka band (famijer) Bridging – horisontella, över gränser, karatäriserad av svaga band mellan olika grupper I samhället Linking – Vertikala, svaga band mellan olika grupper i maktstrukturer Trust – The fabric of social capital Trust between individuals becomes trust between strangers and trust of a broad fabric of social institutions; ultimately, it becomes a shared set of values, virtues, and expectations within society as a whole. Without this interaction trust decays; this decay begins to manifest itself in serious social problems… (‘The Necessity of Politics’ Beem 1999: 20) Det sociala kapitalets fördelar -Trust-Tillit-Förtroende Kunskapsspidning inom sociala nätverk Kontraktslöst – låga kostnader (Agera snabbare och flexiblare, COI) Lägre risker (Online kurser) Intressantare utbud (Inom exempelvis turism, skolan – Kursutbud) Dess nackdelar Nätverk tenderar att bli konserverande – medvetenhet kring detta Svårare att administrera – ”Alla ska samverka idag, men hur är det med samordningen?” Vilka normer finns inom nätverket - ”Det är ingen mening – det har vi provat förr”, eller,.. Sanktioner och kontroll – De på listan ”Ingen normalt funtad är väl så dum att man kommer hit mitt i vintern” Att mäta och göra det sociala kapitalet konkret ‘What a community chooses to measure has a tremendous impact on the quality of life of its members” (North West Policy Center, Seattle, USA) Styrning… Matris som visar olika SK-element (3 elements) mot aktiviteter Stakeholder karta - Relationer Socialt Kapital enkäter- Före och efter, och på lång sikt Rapporter Fallstudier ACTION POINT DATE ACHIEVED (to be completed by NIDOS) OUTCOMES RESPONSIBILITY Develop a Network Handbook, to be updated every 3-5 years. [Info on Committee’s roles and external networks. Info on conflict resolution (case studies of mutual support, achievements of working groups, members, etc)] Extending knowledge of Norms & values. Connecting past and present to proactively allow growth in norms & values enabling opportunities to remain flexible and learn. NIDOS staff and temporary working group. Introduce options for Network to be involved in decision making process [Transparency of process, how decision was arrived at, possibly using ICT.] Increasing opportunities for equity and collective ownership, maximising social network development opportunities of ICT (bridging, bonding, can be extended once initial face-to-face contact is made). NIDOS staff with support from ICT specialist (from Network if possible). Encourage members to support each other [Collective / joint activities e.g. a common resource library (photos, videos, news articles, information on members awards); campaigns like Make Poverty History] Increased reciprocity can lead to increased levels of trust. Target of 5% per year increase in levels of trust for next 3 years. NIDOS staff and working group. Provide access to strategic stakeholders [Increase links to external agencies by increasing Associate Membership] Increasing opportunities for linking to take place Management Committee & staff. Investigate the possibility for more sub-groups and more sub-group activity Increasing opportunities for bridging to take place and informal information transfer NIDOS staff Develop or revisit marketing strategy for external (public) and internal (Network) audience. [Use information from resource library to reinforce Network Handbook messages, promote collective identity]. Increasing collective understanding and ownership of aims & objectives via knowledge. Highlight opportunities for reciprocity via partnership working. Working Group … Att utveckla det sociala kapitalet The Bamboo Tree Here We Are From the Favela Painting Project, Brazil avela/ Den entreprenöriella processen och socialt kapital Ide – Påverkan av familj (Socialisering) Affärsmöjlighet (Förebilder, Kulturella attityder) Planering (Partner, finansiering) Start och lansering (timing, immateriellt skydd) Utveckling och start (Legitimitet, utveckla nätverk) Final Thoughts Social Capital brings a new way of looking at the challenges that communities face and provides a lens which values human relationships and makes currently invisible resources visible It provides a common language to explain why we are doing what we are doing Helps put numbers to soft outcomes Can provide a framework to help replicate successes – Look to introduce activities which help make community boundaries porous and allow access to new resources (bridging & linking) – Indirect and informal activities are excellent ways to build reciprocal interaction and trust The real challenge is not to construct buildings, nor putting a man on the moon, but to deal with human nature “ “ - Björn Grinde, Chief scientist Public Health Norway [email protected] Facebook: [email protected] Local value Local values Potential values Biosphere e. Stakeholders Common values Visualization Activites (Understanding)