Posthumanist Performativity: Toward and Understanding of How

Litteratur KV5001, Konst- och bildvetenskap, 15hp, Ht 2014
Avancerad nivå
Art History and Visual Studies, Theories, Methods and Historiography, Second level,
15 higher education credits
Barad, Karen, “Posthumanist Performativity: Toward and Understanding of How
Matter Comes to Matter”, Signs, Vol. 28, No. 3,Gender and Sciencs, Spring 2003,
s 801-831,
Bennett, Jane, Vibrant Matter. A Political Ecology of Things, Duke University
Press, Durham and London, 2010, (176 s), ISBN: 9780822346333.
Darby, English, How to See a Work of Art in Total Darkness, MIT Press,
Cambridge 2007, s 1-70, ISBN: 9780262050838.
Fredlund, Anna Petronella, “Varseblivning och språk i Maurice Merlau Pontys
Phenomenologie de la perception”, Fenomenologiska Perspektiv. Studier i
Husserls och Heideggers filosofi, Thales, Stockholm, 1997, s 198-218, ISBN: 9187172-62-3.
Garb, Tamar, Bodies of Modernity. Figure and Flesh in Fin-de – Siècle France,
2001.s 11-79, ISBN: 9780500280492.
Guerico, Gabriele, Art as Existence: the Artist´s Monography and its project, MIT
Press, Cambridge, Mass 2006. S 2-23, ISBN: 9780262072687.
Herlitz, Alexandra, Grez-sur-Loing revisited: the International Artist´s Colony
and its Project, Makadam, Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, 2013, Göteborg
2013. s 11-78,146-224,303-331, ISBN: 9789170611391.
Jones, Amelia, red, Feminism and the Visual Culture Reader, Routledge, London
New York, 2010. (100 sidor), ISBN: 9780415543705.
Jones, Amelia, “Meaning, Identity, Embodiement. The Uses of Merlaeua-Pontys
phenomenology in Art History”, Art and Thought, ed Arnold, Dora & Iversen,
Margaret, Oxford: London 2003, s 71-90, ISBN:0-631-22715-6.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Kroppens fenomenologi, Daidalos, Uddevalla 1999,
(13 sidor), ISBN: 9171731008.
Moxey, Keith, Visual Time: The Image in History, Duke University Press,
Durham and London, 2013, (207 sidor), ISBN: 9780822353690.
Nora, Pierre & Kritzman, Lawrence D. (red.), Realms of Memory: rethinking the
French past. Vol. 3, Symbols, Columbia University Press, New York, 1998, s 348374, ISBN: 9780231109260.
Pettersson, Hans, “Panofskys tredje nivå och den kritiska historiografins syfte”,
Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 70:1-2, s 55-65.
Rossholm Lagerlöf, Margaretha, "Life Transformed: Performative Meaning,
Analogy, and the Art of Bernini's Funerary Chapel Decorations", Konsthistorisk
tidskrift, Vol. 81, Issue 1, 2012, s. 2-30.
Sjöholm, Cecilia, "Whose Body? The Difference between Seeing and
Experiencing", i Material of Movement and Thought: Reflections on the Dancer's
Practice and Corporeality, edited by Anna Petronella Foultier and Cecilia Roos,
Firework Edition: Stockholm 2013, s 145-163, ISBN: 9789187066424.