Mekanisk hjärtassist Transplantation är den bästa behandlingen vid svår terminal hjärtsvikt! Ulf Kjellman Thoraxkliniken Akademiska Sjukhuset REMATCH- studien 4500 4000 3500 3000 * 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 2000 2001* 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 0 1982 Number of Transplants NUMBER OF HEART TRANSPLANTS REPORTED BY YEAR * Numbers may be low due to delayed report Rose et. al., New England Journal of Medicine, 2001 REMATCH- studien Rose et. al., New England Journal of Medicine, 2 1 CentriMagR Positioning Problem med implantat i blodbanan: Short-term (e.g. CPB) Bridge to decision Long-term (e.g. VAD) - trombotrombo-embolism - hemolys, hemolys, kaskadaktivering - infektion Problem med mekanisk hjärtassist: - stor kirurgi - drivkabel, kontrollenhet o batterier - pris Cardiac Output = 4.3 Pulsativt flöde(deplacement) (HeartHeart-Mate®I, Mate®I, 8,000 RPM Novacor®, Novacor®, Abiomed 5000®) - prepre-load beroende! Pulse Pressure = 23 Mean BP = 68 Cardiac Output = 4.4 9,000 RPM Pulse Pressure = 16 Mean BP = 70 Cardiac Output = 4.5 Nonimpella®, Centrimag®, Centrimag®, Non-pulsatilt flöde (impella®, HeartHeart-Mate®II, Mate®II, Micromed®) Micromed®) - PrePre- och afterload beroende! 10,000 RPM 11,000 RPM 12,000 RPM Pulse Pressure = 12 Mean BP = 74 Cardiac Output = 4.9 Pulse Pressure = 9 Mean BP = 82 Cardiac Output = 5.1 Pulse Pressure = 6 Mean BP = 87 2 Current Ventricular Support Treatment Options ingen skillnad mellan pulsativt och non pulsativt flöde upp till 14 dagar post.op post.op.. Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Hetzer R Degree of Invasiveness Biochemiska markörer för hjärnskada (S100, NSE): LVAD Ventricular Unloading Catheters IABP Medical Mgt Degree of Hemodynamic Effectiveness Korttidsasssiter (1(1-14 dagar) Medellång assist (1 - 30 dagar) BioMedicus® BioMedicus® impella® impella® Centrimag® Centrimag® Centrimag® Centrimag® Abiomed®5000 ®) Abiomed®5000 (Thoratec (Thoratec®) Abiomed®5000 Abiomed®5000 1 ”bridge to decision” decision” Långtidsassist (1 - 48 mån) 2 ”bridge to recovery” recovery” HeartHeart-Mate®I Mate®I MicroMed® MicroMed® HeartHeart-Mate®II Mate®II 3 ”bridge to transplantation” 4 (”destination therapy”) therapy”) 3 Systemet Mobil konsol Sprutpump Impella® recover LV perifer Cardiology - Recover® LP 2.5 / 5.0 Specifications - Recover® LP pumps Recover®LP 5.0 Recover®LP 2.5 Catheter size 9F 9F Cannula size 21F 12F Flow max. 5 l/min max. 2.5 l/min Insertion/ Placement peripheral (femoral artery) percutaneous (femoral artery) Guide wire Yes Yes Duration of use 7 days 5 days Flow display Yes Yes CE-certification Yes Yes FDA IDE Trial IDE Trial Cardiology - Recover® LP 2.5 / 5.0 Insertion - Recover ® LP 5.0 Inlet Cat heter (with marking) Outlet Pigtail Guide wire Sensor • guide wire is provided by Impella ( 0.025“) Distal vess el loop U-stiches A. fem oralis Pr oximal vess el loop • insertion in the femoral artery via „cut down“ L ≈ 8 cm 4 Cardiology - Recover® LP 2.5 / 5.0 Pump position monitoring Placement Monitoring: • Correct or wrong pump position is displayed on the Mobile Console 5 Impella LP2.5 - Hemodynamic Effect Increased diastolic and mean blood pressure Decreased systolic LV workload Cardiac Surgery- Recover® LD / RD Implantation – Recover® RD Securing eyelets (pericardium) Outlet area (above the pulmonary valve) Double purse string suture (centrolateral to right atrium) Felt ring (seal) Inlet area (direction of tricuspid valve) Stitching plate and felt ring (seal) Double purse string suture 2005-10-17 1 6 impella® impella® implantationer (UAS) behandlingstid: LD 3 dagar RD 1 - 8 dagar (mean (mean 6) LP 1 - 8 dagar (mean (mean 4) CentriMag A magnetically levitated Bloodpump for Extracorporeal Use CentriMag® ICU Support CentriMagR Bearingless Pump pump housing Inlet impeller outlet rotor winding stator Surgical Cannulation Algoritm: Kvinna 58 år, diabetes mellitus i.ö. frisk och fysiskt aktiv. Dec. Dec. 2005 14 dagars extrem trötthet och förförkylning. Akut infarkt, PCI mot LAD och 33-kärlssjuka. kärlssjuka. Svår vä. vä. svikt, stort inotropt stöd. ”bridge to recovery”: recovery”: impella®LP impella®LP 5.0 inlagd, leverleverskada, laparatomi. laparatomi. Lågt flöde - HIT 7 impella® impella® ut med recovery av kammaren och måttligt inotropt stöd. 14h därefter cirkulationskollaps. Till op. op. och asystoli vid sternotomi. sternotomi. Centrimag® Centrimag® och impella®RD impella®RD ”bridge to decision” decision” Vä. Vä. sidig hemipares och njurinsuff. njurinsuff. 10 dagars support med regress av neurologi och njurinsuff. njurinsuff. ”bridge to transplantation”: HeartHeart-Mate®II Mate®II neurologisk helt återställd och normaliserad njurfunktion. 8 Schematic of the DeBakey VAD® FLOW STRAIGHTENER DeBakey VAD® and DeBakey VAD® Child INDUCER/IMPELLER STATOR HOUSING DIFFUSER BLOOD FLOW FLOW TUBE Size: 30 x 76 mm Speed: 7500 - 12500 RPM Flow rates: 10+ liters/minute Titanium construction: 95 Grams Technology licensed from NASA MOTOR STATOR T h C ll f EACTS 2002 9 ”bridge to decision” decision” ”bridge to recovery” recovery” 10 driveline impella® driveline Heart--Mate® Heart 11 12 13 Tack för uppmärksamheten! Ulf Kjellman MD, PhD Dept.. Cardio Dept Cardio--Thoracic Surgery University Hospital, Uppsala Sweden 14