DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, MAA046 Aim of the course: The goal of the present course is to provide participants a comprehensive introduction to discrete mathematics and its applications in computer science, and fundamental knowledge for further studies. During the course, we cover a wide set of topics in discrete mathematics, such as induction and recursion, set theory, number theory, functions and relations, graph theory, proofs and logic, Boolean algebras, and combinatorics. Literature: K. Eriksson, H. Gavel, Diskret matematik och diskreta modeller, Studentlitteratur, 2002. ISBN 91-44-02465-7. Teachers: Ming Fan (Examiner), [email protected], Mathematical theory. Yella Siril, [email protected], Computer lab. Teaching form: 4 hours lectures, 4 hours exercise sessions, and 4 hours computer lab per week. Examination: Written examination for Mathematical theory, 4p. Reports for Computer lab, 1p. Schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Websites: högskolans kurswebbar Mängdlära 2.1—2.6 Division och primtal 3.1—3.3 Euklides algoritm och modulär aritmetik 3.3—3.4 Rekursion 4.1 Induktion 4.2 Sannolikheter 5.1—5.3 Kombinatorik 5.4—5.7 Grafer 6.1—6.2 och 6.4 Träd och graffärgning 6.5—6.6 och tillägg Satslogik 7.1—7.2 Predikatlogik och boolesk algebra 7.3—7.4 Relationer 8.1 Funktioner 8.2 Reservation